Where Have I Been? - A Hiatus Update


Hello, my lovely readers!

I hope you all are doing well! It's been a while since I posted on both bookstagram and on my blog - well, only a week but it seems like a while to me!

I've received a handful of direct messages asking me how have I been or where did I go, and I wanted to firstly, thank you all for noticing and perhaps even caring!

I've had quite a week and I know it's going to get busier with the upcoming Holiday season ahead, but I thought I'd give you guys a little update on what has been going on in my life and perhaps an insight on what is to come in the future.

So, to start off, I briefly announced last minute that I would be taking a break from bookstgram; just a little week-long break to even out the algorithm (that darn algorithm) and hopefully start off fresh.

While I was taking a break from bookstagram, I thought I'd take a little break from blogging as well, as they both usually correlate together through my postings.

Since last week, I've been incredibly busy and will probably be even more busy as the weeks fly by.

I recently started working at one of my local Chapters/Indigo/Coles chain (I don't want to specify which one for privacy reasons but I know a couple of you know - and if you do, please keep it private) and it has been amazing. 

I've been trying to get a job at one of these book chains since I was 16, so I bet you can imagine how I'm currently feeling.

With that being said, this holiday season, I am working two retail jobs with no days off - unless I'm not scheduled for a certain day that week. As most of you know, it's quite difficult for me to post when I work often because I don't have time to post on both medias; write out captions and blog posts and take photos - especially since my photos are based off of natural lighting.

My sister had mentioned an app in which I can pre-schedule posts so they can upload for me which I'm going to give a try and hopefully all works out and I can go back to posting more regularly, even with my busy schedule!

Starting today, though, I will be as active as I can through my social medias because I love interacting with you guys so much!

I also have made a few changes to my social media accounts! I've finally changed my profile picture on Bookstagram to something similar to the one above (I am so happy to have a King book in my photo now - I know, it has been a while!) but I've also changed all of my social medias to jessreadsalatte so it will be much easier for all of you to find me on the other socials!

On another note, one of my closest bookstagram besties Johely (ninetieslibrary) and myself created a IG book club called ninetiesreadalatte!

Each month, we read a different book and at the end of the month, we talk about it and have a little trivia where you can win prizes!

If you are willing to join, you can message either one of us!

It is also the month of November which also means NaNoWriMo! Or to some, National Novel Writing Month. For those who don't know, I am writing a novel in hopes of publishing it next year. I'll be taking advantage of this month as well for that reason, hopefully finishing the first draft very soon!

I think that might be all of the general updates that I have. If there is more, I'll have them posted on either my Twitter or my Instagram (both are jessreadsalatte, and links should be really easy to find throughout my blog).

I am so incredibly happy to be back and posting for all my lovely readers again!

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