I Want To Give WHAT A Second Chance?! - Books I Want To Give A Second Chance (2018)


It's crazy to say, but we are months away from the end of 2018.

Can you believe it? Less than three months and we will be counting down until the start of a new year.

Around this time is usually when I do my annual rounds of book blogs: my favourite authors, favourite series, etc. and one blog post I noticed I didn't post last year was the books I wanted to give a second chance.

It might have been because I didn't really think of any books I wanted to dive into again or because I didn't think of this kind of blog post last year, but this year, I have rallied books I do actually want to give a second shot and I actually want to go through with it.

I have picked six books that I really want to give a second shot either by the end of 2018 or throughout 2019.

Without further adieu, let's get into the six books I want to give a second chance.

To All The Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han

If you have been following me for a while, TATBILB is one of the first reviews I've posted on my blog when I first created it a year ago. It has also been one of my most popular reviews on my blog these days. I was - and still am, genuinely not a huge fan of the book because of the execution of the novel. But, I really did enjoy the Netflix movie adaptation that came out earlier this year. My sister, who is a huge fan of the books told me to just pull through with the rest of the series. Although, I have one problem: I can't remember much of what happened in the first book, I only remember what happened in the movie. Because I did genuinely like the movie and I should probably read the first book in order to finish the rest of the series, I'm saying why not.

The Tommyknockers by Stephen King

I read The Tommyknockers earlier this year and found it to be one of my least favourite King books I've ever read - which surprised me because I haven't found a book by Stephen King that I have rated such a low rating until this one, and another which I'll mention later. I'm part of a Stephen King Facebook group and a lot of people admit they LOVE The Tommyknockers and although I feel a little left out, I feel like this may be the perfect opportunity to re-read and possibly love this book.

Zenith by Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings 

This book has been getting very mixed reviews since it was published in early 2018 - most of them being negative. Now I read this book when it was published in January and I'll admit when I say I was with majority because I wasn't a huge fan of the book. I wasn't like most reviewers who gave Zenith one or two stars but I gave it three. Now I wouldn't say my rating was influenced by other reviewer, my review was my own opinion. But, now that the Zenith "hype" per se, has died down, I want to give this book another try. Without seeing everyone else's opinions, I want to dive into this again and see if I truly like it or if I don't - because honestly there were a ton of aspects I did enjoy.

Christine by Stephen King

Earlier I mentioned there were two books that were my lowest rating King books; The Tommyknockers being one of them. Well, Christine is the other. And I know a lot of old King fans are gasping because who doesn't love Christine, right? I had a lot of trouble diving into this, mainly because of expectation. I expected Christine to be like Mile 81, a short story that was published in King's collection The Bazaar of Bad Dreams. I expected a lot of gore and what not, and when I read how Christine didn't meet my own expectations, I ended up not enjoying it. But this time around, I really do want to enjoy it. I want to open the book with an open mind and see where it'll take me.

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

This is another book that has received a bit of mixed reviews - mainly positive though. On bookstagram, I asked everyone if this series was worth finishing and some said yes and some said no. I think it was an even tie between both of the answers. I don't really remember anything about this book to be quite honest, I just remember I liked it but not as much as I would've hoped. I have a strong feeling I'm going to like this book and series though so I've decided to give this book another chance and hopefully end up loving it alongside the rest of the series!

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

The Cruel Prince was one of the books I was ready to love. It included fae which I absolutely love, had a great plot, in fact, even had an amazing prologue. But, the book fell short for me because I couldn't stand the characters; mainly the aggressive love interest Cardan. I was absolutely bummed about it though because this book included so many aspects I love in YA novels - and other people seem to be obsessed with it as well. But, the fact that Cardan is an aggressive character should have been expected since the title is The Cruel Prince so I thought I would give it another shot. And, a lot of you know that most of the books I love and am obsessed with, I started off hating until a couple of re-reads so hopefully The Cruel Prince is the same idea.

Those are the six books I want to give a second chance in hopes that I love throughout the end of 2018 and all of 2019.

I'm really curious as to what books you guys didn't like but want to try and read one more time!

Let me know in the comments below or on my Instagram!

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