I Didn't Read A Lot of King?! - September Wrap Up


Can you believe it's already October?!

That means, it's time for a September Wrap Up! I feels like 2018 is flying by so fast, it's crazy. Next thing you know, it'll be Christmas!

I realized I didn't read a lot of Stephen King books this month; not as much as I usually do. But I was able to dive into more Young Adult novels which I haven't been in the move for until recently!

Overall, I'm really excited about all the books I read in the month of September.

September Wrap Up

You're Welcome Universe by Whitney Gardener

My first read of September was You're Welcome Universe which I was really excited for; mainly because it features a deaf character and I was very excited about the diversity. The more you read this novel though, the more you realize how much diversity really provides. I'll definitely post a review for this soon. I have a lot of blog posts I want to write and post on my plate so I'm hoping it'll be up very soon!

The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan

Oh do I love my demi-god, Rick Riordan reads! I'm currently in the process of catching up on Rick's works and hopefully diving into his Rick Riordan Presents novels very soon as well. I absolutely missed the world of Percy Jackson; my favourite world I grew up in. Growing up with Percy has been my absolute favourite and I think that might be why I love Rick's books the most. I do have a review up for The Lost Hero though, if you'd like to read it, the link will be here.

Coraline by Neil Gaiman

I actually haven't read Coraline until last month - I know, I know. I heard the many gasps from that comment. But I have always settled for the movie that I never really thought of reading the book until recently. I want to post my review for this novel soon as I have quite a few key points I'd like to talk about, but overall, it was a great book.

The Wicked Deep by Shea Ernshaw

With Halloween looming around the corner, I've been aching for some witchy, spooky reads and thought The Wicked Deep would be right for me. It was also the first book I actually had the guts to highlight and annotate in (I'm still getting into writing in my other books as well though.) Unfortunately, it didn't meet my standards which again, I'll talk about in my review later on.

Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

I absolutely adore Tomi Adeyemi. An author not too much older than myself and successful on her first book, she has been one of my main inspirations when writing my book. I had finally watched Black Panther (I know, finally) and I was having a Black Panther hangover. A lot of people compare Children of Blood and Bone to the Black Panther so I decided to dive into it this month. Needless to say, it was so worth it.

The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson

I've been in quite a fantasy kick lately and I've seen The Way of Kings and other Stormlight Archive books looming around bookstagram and decided to give it a lot. It was everything I had hoped for. I also love books with fandoms as well and this book is definitely in that category.

Duma Key by Stephen King

As the weeks have gone by, I realized, I didn't read very many Stephen King books which was very shocking, especially for me. I've been eyeing Duma Key since my vacation in July; and for those who don't know, I am a huge mood reader. Meaning, if I'm not in the mood to read a certain book, I usually can't pull myself to finish it and I start diving into other books. Since I was finally in a Duma Key mood, I thought I'd give it a shot and I definitely don't regret it!

After by Anna Todd

I know what you're thinking when you see this book on my wrap up; did Jessica actually just read a book that was once a fanfiction? I was in the mood for a really trashy romance, okay. And there was no better place to check but a fanfiction themselves. With that being said, I've heard a lot about the abuse provided in this novel and was prepared to hate it but also kept an open mind as well. Because I don't think I'll ever write a review of this on my blog, I thought I'd share that I genuinely didn't enjoy this.

In The House in the Dark of the Woods by Laird Hunt

Another spooky read to prepare for Halloween, I decided to dive into this book (with an exceptionally long title, might I add) that I was thankfully given an Advance Readers Copy by Hatchette Book Group in exchange for an honest review! It was everything I really wanted out of a somewhat horror book with a new original, modern twist! I cannot wait for you guys to get your hands on your own copy this month!

City of Ghosts by Victoria Schwab

So I'm going to be completely honest when I say, I technically finished this book on October first - actually I finished it at around midnight but thought I'd add it to my September Wrap Up just because. Victoria/V.E Schwab never disappoints me. I love her writing so much and the worlds she builds throughout her book that I genuinely wasn't surprised I loved this.

And those were the 10 books I read in September.

I do realize I haven't read as many King books this month than I usually do but I'm not really complaining since I enjoyed most of the books I read anyways.

How many books did you read in the month of September? Which one was your favourite? Let me know in the comments section below or on my Instagram! 

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