Was This What I Expected? - Meddling Kids Review


Meddling Kids by Edgar Cantero

Meddling Kids follows a group of strangers, whom, during a summer, spend their vacation solving mysteries; although their last mystery was the craziest. Over a decade has passed and the group of kids are no longer a group of kids, but adults trying to survive their own life struggles. They suddenly find their last mystery coming back to haunt them and they must join together to finally defeat this monster they have once discovered.

Oh Meddling Kids..

I don't seem to have a lot of thoughts when it comes to his novel to be quite honest because it really didn't stick to me; not as much as I hoped anyways.

So if my review is quite short and quite broad, you know why.

I actually was never planning on reading -- or purchasing this novel in the first place. I believe it was right beside Stephen King's books at the bookstore and the cover caught my eye. I remember seeing this cover a while ago and thinking "hey, that sounds like a fun book to read." but since then, it hasn't really been much of my interest until I picked it up.

I was honestly hoping for something Stranger Things/IT-esque; when I read the synopsis, that is what I thought this book was. And if you know me, I am absolutely obsessed with the both of them so I was ready to love this book.

Unfortunately, it was the complete opposite from what I was expecting.

The group of kids in Meddling Kids felt less like The Loser's Club or Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Will and Eleven; but felt more like the group of friends in Scooby-Doo.

And don't get me wrong, I grew up with Scooby-Doo, so regardless, the whole idea of the book should've allowed me to still love it, even though it wasn't exactly what I hoped for.


Well, because I really liked the idea and the friend group per se, it wasn't the worst book I've read this year. I mean, by my rating you can tell I obviously still really enjoyed this book anyways. But I still felt this book lacked a lot and that is why I didn't enjoy it as much as I hoped.

The main thing that made me rate this book a little lower than expected was the writing style.

I wasn't a huge fan, mainly because of the pacing.

I noticed a lot of the time, this book was really slow. When I think of a plot like this, I think of fast paced chapters, constant cliffhangers between chapters, and overall the need to finish the book in one sitting.

This wasn't provided to me while I was reading. In fact, because of how slow paced this book was, at some points, I really wanted to put it down and not come back to it.

I think if the pacing was a little better, I would have enjoyed this a lot more.

But obviously I don't feel strictly negative about this book as I did enjoy some parts, overall. I really like the idea of the plot. I thought it was indeed fantastic.

One of my favourite things about this book was that there actually were funny parts to it. There were characters that say some pretty funny things and I really liked that because there are a handful of books I can admit actually make me laugh out loud and Meddling Kids was one of them.

Overall, this book was okay. I don't think it would be the kind of book I would re-read again in the future, let alone recommend to anyone, but I'll admit this was, for the most part, quite entertaining with a great concept. 

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