Was This Witchy Read Worth It? - The Wicked Deep Review


The Wicked Deep by Shea Ernshaw

The Wicked Deep is basically about these three witches, whom centuries ago, were sentenced to death for witchery. Now, every year, during the same time they die, they briefly come back to steal three weak souls for revenge. Our main character Penny has accepted this fate of the town. But when a new boy moves into town the day before the sisters' return, he has no idea what he's gotten himself into.

I had such high expectations for this book.

I've been eyeing this book for a little while now because not only does it have an amazing plot, but look at that cover!

So for a while now, I've been looking for witchy-based reads beside The Raven Cycle (which I love and want to review on my blog soon) so when I found out this was a witch-based read, I was sold.

The cover first caught my eye, like I said earlier and when reading the plot, I thought this book was perfect for me.

Honestly, I really tried to like this, you guys. I really did. I sat through this whole book, completely ready to love it but unfortunately, that didn't end up working out for me.

One of the things that really wasn't my cup of tea was the characters. You know I love books with well-loved and well-written characters as it's something I look for in every book I read but I just couldn't stick with this group of characters. I wanted to love every character in this and I couldn't.

For the most part, I thought most of the characters were really annoying..

It's been a little while since I've read this book so I have quite a broad memory of what I thought but I can remember that I didn't find any of the characters entertaining or relatable.

I think the main character was the one who annoyed me the most. I felt so much of her could have been likeable but the way she was written just made me want to close the book and never pick it up again.

Another thing I really disliked was the whole fairytale vibe involving the witches.

It is a very interesting concept to me and I was incredibly excited about this aspect but I feel like perhaps it wasn't executed well and that might be why I didn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to.

Something I really wished occurred, that I might have possibly loved more would be if we were able to read the witches' perspective - whether it was in third or first person, instead of the fairytale/story-like concept.

Although it was beautiful, it really threw me off of the actual plot and topic.

I understand what the author was getting at but perhaps it was just poorly executed.

Another thing that also really threw me off was how dull the storyline really was. In fantasy novels, it is really easy to lose the reader in a plot when nothing is occurring. I think that is exactly what happened to me when I read this book.

Every time I changed the page, nothing new would happen to the plot.

I remember the first 50 or 60 pages would be absolutely nothing eventful and at that point, I was about to DNF the book.

I obviously did pull through the book, but there's so many things I would change in order to love the book and perhaps make it more lovable.

A lot of the time, when I don't like a book, I usually say something along the lines of "I didn't like it, but I'll definitely give it another try in the future." because I know I've probably just read it at the wrong time but I know I'll end up loving it again.

In this case, probably not.

And don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to bash on the book. I know so many people who have loved The Wicked Deep.

I also don't think it was the timing in which I disliked the book. I just don't think the book was meant for me. But that definitely doesn't mean this book won't be for you reader!

If you want to get into this book and think you'll love it, as I say with all the books I wasn't a fan of, I say go for it!

If you do, I'll love to hear what you guys think! Definitely let me know on my Instagram or in the comments section below if you've read The Wicked Deep! I want to know your thoughts!

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