How Long Have I Been Reading?! - Books I Grew Up On


I see a lot of conversations or Questions of the Day that involve how long people have been reading, or what were the first series of books they read growing up.

I personally love this topic because I love seeing what people grew up with and if I could relate.

That is how this blog post came about; I was thinking, I don't really talk much about my childhood books as much as I talk about my current favourites - although Percy Jackson has stuck with me since I was a kid and I still love it!

I also started working at a bookstore and it's so interesting seeing what kids are reading these days and seeing new editions of the books I grew up on! It's like nostalgia city!

With that being said, these are the books/series I grew up with as a kid!

 Let's start with how I started reading; because I also find that topic quite interesting.

Literature has always been a huge part of my life. For as long as I can remember, my parents have read me and my sister books before bed. I was also an incredibly fast learner as a kid.

Some of my favourite things my parents and even grandparents would do with us was play word games or give us reading/writing workbooks.

By the age of three or four, I was already reading the small learning books and I picked up my first chapter book when I was five.

The first book series I ever read and started my reading journey was The Magic Tree House series by Mary Pope Osborne.

I distinctly remember bonding with my kindergarten teacher over this series and I would sneak a couple of books with me during nap/quiet time with my little bratz dolls.

My all time favourite of this series was Dolphins at Daybreak, which is shown above. These are my exact copies that I had as a kid and found them in a box that my mom had. 

I obviously had to keep these copies in hopes that I can hand them onto my own children in the future; since they do mean so much to me and started my whole reading journey.

Not much later, I started to pick up other books like Nancy Drew, Goosebumps and my all time favourite from my childhood, Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark; which might explain my love for horror novels now.

Library time was my absolute favourite time growing up as a kid.

Eventually, I started getting into the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan, which seems to surprise everyone that I didn't grow up on Harry Potter.

I remember watching the first couple of movies but I never actually started reading the books until probably a couple of years ago. And as amazing as they are, I'll admit they aren't my top favourite. They're great, but perhaps its the time in my life in which I read them.

Otherwise, I do still like them.

These books that I grew up with started my never-ending (thankfully) love for literature! As even shape some interests in what I'm currently into reading as well; fantasy, horror, mystery, etc.

I'm very thankful my parents and grandparents formed my love of reading from an early age. And hopefully, I can pass down this passion with my future children as well.

With that being said, what books/series did you grow up with as a kid? What were your favourites? Let me know in the comments section down below or on my Instagram page! I'd love to hear about it!

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