All The Questions You Wanted To Know About - JessReadsALatte Q&A


Happy Tuesday my lovely readers!

I've always wanted to do a Q&A post and thought, well, I've been posting on my book blog for over a year now and so I thought I'd go for it!

I added a little question section to my Instagram story and received so many questions - way more than I thought I was going to get. Therefore, I thought I'd dive into it!

How long have you been blogging?

I've been blogging for almost three years, although with jessreadsalatte and taking blogging seriously, over a year now.

How do you manage your time to post on Intagram. read, blog in addition to doing everything else?

That is actually a really good question that I am kind of trying to get used to myself. I do work a lot, but every time I have some sort of free time, I'm either blogging or reading.

Will you ever try BookTube?

Possibly. I really want to, but I am juggling a lot of things right now. But I've been told by so many of you that I should start a BookTube channel!

Why did you start a Bookstagram?

Mainly to talk to people who love books just as I do. I don't know many booknerds in my personal life so I decided to try the internet, and I made so many new friends because of it!

Do you annotate your books. If so, how do you do it?

I do annotate my books. I was so against it when I first joined the book community, officially. But since this year, I've decided to write and highlight like it's nobody's business. I want to do a blog post on this where I'll go more in depth, but I basically use a matching coloured pen to jot notes and underline, and a highlighter - and they usually match the colour on the cover of the book! 

Does your boyfriend read and if so, what are his favourite books?

Eric doesn't read as avidly as myself but he does read here and there. He's a huge comic book/ graphic novel guy though (He's the reason I am obsessed with Marvel - RIP Stan Lee) and his favourite comic books are The Walking Dead, The Amazing Spiderman, the Superman and Batman comics. He is also slowly but surely getting through A Game of Thrones. 

If you could be friends with any BookTuber, who would it be?

I would definitely say InsaneReader because I think we both have very similar sassy personalities and humour, but also Ashley Outpaged and A Dash of Ash because I have very similar personalities and interests with both of those BookTubers as well!

What books are out of your comfort zone that you want to get into?

I really want to say, historical fiction and non-fiction. I want to be able to read and recommend everything.

Is Eric supportive of your writing?

Very supportive. I run through all of my ideas with him and he tells me if they are dumb or amazing.  He is brutally honest and I appreciate that.

How do you get ARCs?

(ARC stands for Advance Readers Copy) My best advice is to reach out to your favourite publishers about upcoming books. Chances are, they will send you what you are requesting or add you to the blogger list!

Fave Stephen King book?

Just one? I absolutely love IT because of Pennywise and The Loser's Club, but also Desperation, The Stand, The Shining and Night Shift. If I could only pick one, I'd definitely say The Stand.

Ever had a book signed by an author?

I do have signed books but I've never actually been to a signing from what I can remember.

Can I get ARCs if I'm not a Book Blogger or Bookstagrammer?

For the most part, I don't think so. Only because the reason for an ARC is to get the word about the book, out there. I don't think publishers make money off of giving ARCs (correct me if I'm wrong) but I believe ARCs are for promotion almost, so they can make better sales when the book comes out. With that being said, GoodReads does a lot of ARC giveaways so that might be your only option.

How do you choose when to upload?

I try to upload on my blog every day I am free. My blog ideas list grows rapidly and if I'm not consistently posting, I'd have at least 50 posts waiting for me. Some days I'm busier than others or I forget though, so as long as I have a little bit of time, I post a blog post. As for Instagram, it's a very similar idea to my blog but I try to post just a little more on there since the posts require less effort.

Who inspires you to write and why?

Stephen King. I love how easily it is for him to not only write a huge book in a short period of time, but how he constantly gets ideas for new plots.

Advice for starting a blog?

Write what you want to write about. It makes the process so much more enjoyable. And with that, you'll find an audience who loves you for you because they love the voice you have created on your blog. That means, if you want to post only reviews, go for it. You want to post book tags? Go for it. Post what you want.

How do you post so much?

Whenever I get the chance, I pre-write and pre-photograph every photograph I can. It makes it so much easier on the rest of the days I am free; it is just a click of a button. Although, I'll admit I don't think I post as much as I'd like to

And that is my Q&A!

Thank you all so much for sending your questions in; I didn't expect to get that many questions, honestly. 

There are a few topics I mentioned or was asked about but want to go in depth with on my blog soon!

With that being said, thanks for reading and you'll hear from me again in my next blog post!

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