I Want To Read More!! - Jess' Book Advice


I get a lot of questions from people who don't read very much but really want to on how to read more often. And I feel like this has to be one of the most frequently asked questions because a lot of people are trying to get into reading a lot more now -- which makes my booknerd heart very happy!

With that being said, I thought I would do another Jess' Book Advice and reveal my tips on how to read more! 

Enjoyable Books

One of the main things I've noticed is that people start off with books that are overhyped more than books they actually have interests in. For example, if you dive into a book because it's talked about everywhere but you have no idea what the book is about, that will be an awful way to start your reading journey and evidently push you away from reading as a whole. 

My advice is to read synopsis' before you read reviews. Reviews are great, of course, but if you have no interests or you don't know what the book is about, it will give you a negative reading experience. 

Limit Time on Phones

We always have free time. Whether it is waiting in between class, waiting to be called in at a waiting room, waiting for your car at the auto shop or even before bed after a long day of work. There will always be a time where you are free. 

Our society's initial reaction when were waiting or have free time is to pull out our phones and check social media or play games on our phone where this time can be used to read your book!

Instead of spending hours and hours playing games on our devices or checking our social medias, we can spend that time reading a book!

Carry A Book Around

This, in some ways has relations to the previous advice.

My boyfriend and family always makes fun of me for carrying a book everywhere I go, whether it's to get dinner really quickly, to go out for breakfast, etc. and let's be realistic, there will always be one time where we have a bit of free time -- mostly just waiting for something and we pull out our phones and we get invested in this technological world.

If you carry a book around with you where ever you go, there will always be a time where you're waiting for someone/something or you have some sort of free time on your hands -- even if it's just five minutes, you can use that time to pull out a book and read instead of being on your device.

Start With Shorter Books 

This is something I notice a lot as well!

People will express how much they want to read so they pick up a 1000+ page book, stop midway and tell me their reading experience wasn't enjoyable because "books are too long and time consuming." 

If you like comics, or graphic novels, magazines; or even books around 200 or so pages, start with those. And once you get the hang of your reading speed, your interests, favourite genres etc. then move up to higher paged novels. When your start your reading journey with 1000+ paged books, you are draining yourself and missing out on a great reading experience.

Start with shorter books and move your way up. 

Don't Push Yourself

Something I commonly get is "I'm not a very fast reader but I'm going to push myself to read 356 paged in two hours!" and 15 minutes later, again, they tell me they are drained from reading and will probably never do it ever again. 

Reading isn't a race. We aren't in the olympics, fighting for the gold medal of "Who has read more pages in 15 minutes." Pace yourself. 

It is okay to read 80 pages in two hours. It's okay to read more in that time period, it is okay to read less. Let your mind consume what is written and enjoy it. Don't push yourself. 

Try Different Reading Methods

Not everyone is the same. Meaning, not everyone likes to read physical copies.

With that being said, find a reading method that fits you and your schedule. 

Let's say you are more tech-savy and prefer newer mediums of reading. Definitely invest in a Kindle or Kobo. Or even use a eBook reading app on your phone.

Or perhaps you are a mother of three young kids and the only free time you have to physically read a book is five minutes before bed but you love listening to music and podcasts. I suggest you try Audiobooks! That way you can listen to any book on the go. 

You don't have to stick to one specific method in order to read. Try what works out for you!

Hopefully these quick tips make it a lot easier and encourage you lovelies to read more! If they do, let me know on the comments section, or on Instagram!

*If you'd like to try out audiobooks, use my code AUDIOLATTE on audiobooks.com to get a 30 Day Free Trial! I receive commission*

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