Should You Buy This? - Colliding Skies Review


Colliding Skies by Debbie Zaken

Colliding Skies follows our main character Skye who has her heart set on the rest of her future. That is until aliens invade the Earth with intentions to help the Earth-lings. Skye ends up meeting and falling in love with one of the aliens, Ethan and the book revolves around the two trying to make a relationship work despite Ethan being an alien. 

**I was sent an eBook Advance Reader Copy of this book by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Colliding Skies hits stores on March 6th!** 

I'll admit it. I am so obsessed with this book. 

I was very hesitant about this book because I'm not really into sci-fi/dystopian as much as I used to be so I was afraid I wouldn't enjoy this read, but my goodness, this book is addicting and phenomenal.

Because I don't have much negative things to say about this book, I guess I'll start with that. So when I first read this book, I noticed it is very similar to The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey which by the way, I am very protective over as I was obsessed with that book when it first came out.

So when Skye is looking up at the sky (lol) and she is talking about Cassiopeia and generally referencing constellations, I thought it was ever so similar to The 5th Wave; especially in the environment and just the general vibe Skye is in while she mentions it. 

But as the book goes on, I personally think although it has some attributes that are similar to The 5th Wave, it is very much so different. 

To me, it kind of reminded me of The 5th Wave and Obsidian mixed together. 

Other than that short little scene at the beginning of the novel, I really loved the book. 

I seriously fell in love with Skye and Ethan together. Their relationship was just to genuinely adorable and it's the type of adorable book relationship where it's not necessarily cheesy, but you love the two together so much that all you want and look forward to is the pair together -- if that makes sense.

I think Skye has definitely been added to one of my favourite characters of all time just because of who she is. She is a genuine and relatable character. She has a little sassy vibe to her, but also knows she isn't perfect and I love that being portrayed in literature. 

I also love how much she knows about astronomy which really makes this book interesting!

With debut novels, you really expect minor -- or major improvements that could be made on the writers part but with Colliding Skies, I feel like Debbie Zaken did a phenomenal job writing as the plot was paced very well. I don't think I've read a section of this novel and thought, "ugh, can I skip this chapter? It's so boring."

The novel is action-packed and filled with equal amounts of suspense. It's a rollercoaster ride I didn't want to exit from.

Colliding Skies was incredibly addicting and honestly, hard to put down.

Because of this book, I now want to read any and every book involving astronomy and a cute love story.

Would I recommend you pick up Colliding Skies when it comes out on March 6th? Absolutely! 

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