What Do I Prefer? - Audio vs. Physical vs eBooks


A question I not only get very often but also see all over the book community is which reading medium is better: audiobooks, physical books or ebooks. And honestly, I feel like all are amazing ways to consume literature, but it depends on your lifestyle and preferences. 

So today, I'll share everything that makes each reading option amazing and hopefully it helps you pick your preference. 

**I do use all three forms to read my books**

eBooks or Electronic Books

Electronic or eBooks are basically a way to read books off of your phone, tablet, computer or even an eReader device. 

This basically means you're getting your literature electronically. 

I feel like this medium is more for people who prefer a modernized way to read whilst being able to bring more than one book on the go. 

Unlike physical copies, you can read your eBooks through any electronic platform. That also means that all your books are collected into one place and you can bring along all your books at once -- because they will be on your electronic device. 

Also, depending on the eBook source you use to purchase (or borrow) your books, they are the most inexpensive medium.

Physical Copy

This is the classic way of reading a book. 

The physical copies of books are the OG way of reading. 

It provides the best feeling of holding the book in your hands and best of all -- the brand new or old book smell!

Owning physical copies are just generally aesthetically pleasing and they are beautiful to look at when they are all gathered together on your shelves.

They also put less of a strain on your eyes.

Physical copies are my reading preference for all those reasons above -- the book smell, the satisfactory of holding a book in your hands and looking at all your books gathered together on your shelves.

They also make great models for Bookstagram photos!


This is another modernized way of reading your books. 

An audiobook is basically ways to consume literature but through your ears instead of your eyes.

This is by listening to a CD or participating in a subscription service that provides audio sequences where people read the book for you, and you consume the writing through your ears. 

I feel like this medium is best for people who love to read but have very busy schedules. That is because, just like music, you can listen to an audiobook anywhere you go, whether its in the car, working out, when you're trying to sleep, etc. 

Of course, not everyone will like the same reading mediums. 

But this is a short display of each reading medium in hopes you'll find what works best for you! 

If you want to try out audiobooks, use my code AUDIOLATTE at audiobooks.com for a 30 Day Free Trial!

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