I SHIP THEM! - Crown of Midnight (Throne of Glass #2) Review (Spoilers)


Crown of Midnight by Sarah J Maas 

Crown of Midnight is the second book in the Throne of Glass series. Following the events in the first book, Celeana finally won the king's brutal championship to become his assassin. But, Celaena feels as if the king is hiding something and uses her to kill only the innocent of people. When the king gives Celaena the task to kill someone very close to her, she starts to question her loyalty. Because the king isn't the only person hiding secrets. 

Sarah J Maas never fails to keep me on the edge of my seat!

Personally, I found this book to be the best of the series -- although I can't remember what happens later and I have yet to finish the series.

But honestly, Sarah J Maas' world building is phenomenal. 

I am in love with how put together this book is opposed to the first book. If you haven't read my review for the first book, I'll link it here but you can definitely tell difference between the two!

For example, when first reading the Throne of Glass, you really would assume the book is about Celaena and all her hardships, background story etc. on how she started off in the salt mines but now wants to win the championship and become the king's assassin. But, they added the whole magical aspect and it kind of brings a confusing turn as to what the plot is supposed to be. 

With this book, you can really tell the direction in which the plot and potentially the series is headed to. 

I also found this book's plot to be a lot more thought out and well written than in Throne of Glass, so you can definitely tell how much Sarah J Maas' writing has progressed. 

Personally, for the most part, this book was so hard to put down. It was honestly a series of suspenseful moments after one another. After your heart had time to relax from a scene, Sarah J Maas just kicks your heart even harder with the next one! 

And it's also the first book where important character' deaths occur which made me completely stunned. Like I said earlier, I don't remember what happened in this book so when Nehemia died I was in tears -- I thought she died later in the series, okay? 

And the ending really struck me as well. I knew Celaena was always Aelin but the way Chaol found out, I seriously got chills. 

Now diving into my favourite part; the characters! 

Dorian wasn't in this book much which was quite sad to me as I love Dorian so much but his limited scenes were made up through the adorable scenes of Chaol and Celaena. 

I mean, that time when Chaol found Celaena half drugged from a guy she was supposed to kill and she walked into his room because she knew he would protect her and he got so pissed because he scared her. And a couple hundred pages later, Celaena saved Chaol after being kidnapped. Ugh, adorable.

Chaol and Celaena's relationship really bloomed with this book in comparison to the previous novel. In Throne of Glass, Chaol basically hated Celaena. He saw her as nothing but a murderer and instead of protecting her, he protecting everyone around him who would associate themselves with Celaena. Now its the complete opposite, Chaol cares about her and that is what makes my heart melt.

Celaena herself also makes quite a development since the previous book. 

In Throne of Glass, she really only thought about herself, she was very arrogant and didn't really want help from anyone, just her freedom. She also really knew she was better than everyone and wanted to let everyone know.

In Crown of Midnight, you can really tell how much Celaena has bloomed throughout the book. You get to know her background story and where she really came from. What I also really loved about the evolution of Celaena's personality is her selflessness. Yes, she is an assassin for the king, but throughout the book, Celaena refuses to kill the king's requested humans to die and fakes their death in order to save their innocent lives.

But don't be alarmed, she will kill to protect.

I also noticed a lot of sass than aggression in her personality which I think provided a lot of comic relief to the novel as well.

The ending itself I think I fangirled a little over but at the same time, I knew it because of her response to Archer when he brought it up early in the book -- and I knew it beforehand but still.

Sarah J Maas just knows how to pull at my feels and I love it.

Crown of Midnight might be my favourite book of the series and I can't wait to get into the rest of them.

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