Overhyped? - The Cruel Prince Review (Spoilers?)


The Cruel Prince by Holly Black 

This book follows our main character Jude who's parents are murdered when she was young and herself and her two sister's are kidnapped by the High Court of Faerie. A decade later, mundane Jude wants to fit in the faerie world but many of the fae despise her and her twin sister, especially Prince Cardan. To win a place at the Court, she must prove herself worthy. 


I was very excited to read this because if you know me well, you know I have a large obsession with faeries/fairies.

This book was also very hyped out throughout BookTube, and Bookstagram. Everyone had expressed how amazing this book was and I was so ready to jump on a new faerie series train. 

This book brought so many mixed feelings and honestly, unpopular opinions on my side. 

I found most of the book very boring. The prologue was amazing though. I loved the whole idea of meeting Jude's family and how in the area they live (a community like ours: very mundane) Vivi, Jude's fae sister had no problems about being different. I think that is a key aspect between characters which I'll discuss later. 

I personally felt like the prologue was action packed and seriously had me blown away the whole time, especially during the part where Madoc kills Jude's parents. 

But to me, after the prologue, when Madoc takes Jude and her sisters to the fae world, I feel like it goes downhill until about page 150-200. And I found this whole section to be kind of pointless other than introducing Prince Cardan -- although it was just a series of him being a jerk.

By around page 200, the plot finally picks up and becomes suspenseful. And I will admit the ending was incredible! I loved the ending. But I feel like had I not pulled through those 200 pages, I would have DNF'd (Did not finish) the book. If the story was suspenseful and full of action and rivalry throughout the whole novel, it definitely would have been a 5/5 stars in my book. 

Character-wise, the only characters I really liked were Vivi and at some points Jude. 

 I didn't like Taryn and I definitely did not like Prince Cardan. 

Going back to comparing Vivi and Jude, Vivi didn't care that her fae-self did not belong in the mundane world. She didn't care that she was made fun of by mundane children for her long pointy ears or anything like that.

Jude on the other side, really annoyed me because the whole book is based upon her trying to fit into the fae world because a guy she thinks is cute is part of the Fae Court and doesn't accept her. I just thought she was really annoying in that aspect where instead of accepting the fact that she stood out from the rest of the fae and perhaps changing the idea of what fae's think of mundanes, she just wanted to fit in.

Taryn was annoying in a sense where it felt like she doubted Jude most of the time or at least degraded her if that makes sense. 

As for Prince Cardan, my gosh he was freaking annoying. He spent most of the book -- seriously most of the book, being a jerk. I was hoping for Cardan to be a jerk, followed by some form of sweet redemption and we finally fall in love with Cardan. Nope. He was a continuous jerk and I wanted to throw my book -- but not in a good way.

I also thought it was weird that Cardan had a tail.. 

Otherwise, I really liked the mean representation of faeries since most are projected as sweet or at most, clever and witty. I just hoped Cardan would eventually turn himself around and I would somehow love him instead of hate him through the whole book. 

Because the ending was written well and I loved it, I will definitely try book two and if that isn't good for me, I think I'd stop with the series as a whole. 

If you want to read it, save on The Cruel Prince at Booksamillion.com.

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