Let's Talk Cozy! - My Reading Environment Essentials


Being cozy and comfortable is an essential for me when it comes to reading. Like most, reading in any environment is possible, but to me, not ideal! 

I like to be relaxed and comfortable while reading! So today, I'm going to share my ideal reading environments and what I like to use to set my reading mood! 

As always, I want to put a disclaimer that these methods work for me and are probably not ideal for everyone. Everyone has different opinions on how they like their environments to be while reading!

Noise Control

Typically, I can read in any environment. Whether it's at work, school, home, in a waiting room etc. But certain locations make it difficult for me to pay attention and fully understand what I'm reading. 

I like to read in areas where there are very minimal talking or noises. Otherwise, I get distracted and I'm either jumping from paragraph to paragraph with no understanding of what I'm reading, or I'm unable to get through a whole sentence. 


Music is an essential to me when it comes to moments where it's impossible to tone down loud talkers and other background noises. Let's admit our environments aren't always quiet, so music does a great job neutralizing sounds for me. 

My home library is about two feet away from the main entertainment room and with paper thin walls, a loud television makes reading a challenge. I've set up my vinyl record player in my library so I can play records whenever I feel distracting noises overpower my concentration. 

When reading in public: at work, at the train station, on a train, in a waiting room, etc. I always have my headphones in. This helps neutralize noises for me while I read in public, especially when these locations are a lot busier and louder than my home. 

I love listening to more of an indie, alternative rock kind of music as it's my go-to music genre. My current favourite band, which has been the same band for the past year or so is Hippo Campus. I love listening to their debut album Landmark while I read as I feel like it sets the calm mood. Other albums I love listening to while reading are AM by Artic Monkeys, Magical Mystery Tour and Abbey Road by the Beatles, and Wilder Mind by Mumford & Sons.


Especially while reading at home, the location where I read really contribute to my reading experience. 

I have two main places I love to read: my room and my library because both seem to be the most comfortable to me.

My room provides a very comfortable location, especially at night because I love cuddling in multiple pillows and blankets. 

My home library also provides the same needs, but in a comfy reading chair opposed to a bed. 

Another location I've begun to love while reading is the bath tub! Typically I don't usually take baths (I shower, thank you.) because I don't like the feeling of laying in my own dirt but I've tried it once and although I haven't since -- and probably wont, I'll admit it was very relaxing.


Lighting isn't necessarily essential to me while I read but I do love certain lightings and lamps to set my reading mood. 

My Christmas lights that I've hung on my bookshelves are some of my favourite forms of lighting to read in. My mom always jokes about how I'm basically a vampire because I hate sunlight. I love being cozy in the darkness -- as weird as that may sound. 

The lighting my Christmas lights provide are not too unbearably bright but also not so dark in which I can barely read or see anything. To me, it is perfect. 

Another thing I don't own *yet* but want to are Himalayan Salt Lamps. These salt lamps provide multiple benefits such as neutralizing radiation, is an environmentally friendly light source, improves mood, etc. If you're interesting in getting a salt lamp, I highly suggest looking into them! 

Candles are also very lovely! I know a few bookish candle etsy shops that I adore and they also made soy-based vegan candles!

Oil Diffuser

 If you know me well enough, you know I love essential oils and aromatherapy. 

I love using my essential oil diffuser whilst reading because certain oils provide great sources of aromatherapy. I use different oils depending on the time of day. 

If I'm reading in the morning, or perhaps even during the day, I love using an orange essential oil. Orange essential oils have many benefits including keeping you awake, and energized. It is also a great mood-lifting scent which allows you to stay up, happy and relaxed!

Peppermint oil is another scent I love using during the mornings and during the day. Just like orange, peppermint allows the body to stay awake and energized which is very important to me, since I'm always sleepy!

And lastly, my favourite essential oil I love using -- during bedtime especially is lavender. Lavender is known for it's calming properties and allows your body to have a nice and relaxing sensation, which I love especially before bed!

I know I didn't go into other details of essential reading accessories, like rain and coffee or tea, but those I don't go to as often as I do with the others. 

Of course, like I always say, everyone is different! With that being said, I'd love to hear what your ideal reading essentials are! Let me know in the comments below or on my Instagram photo, just like the one above! 

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