I Love King's Short Stories - Skeleton Crew Review


 Skeleton Crew by Stephen King 

Another beautiful short story collection written by Stephen King which includes some of your biggest fears! The infamous The Mist is also included in this collection.

This was my first Stephen King short story collection, and perhaps my most favourite. It brought such a great introduction to King's shorter writing oppose to his more lengthy novels. 

As always, writing style was amazing.

My favourite short story of this collection is The Mist. Thoroughly written and incredibly creepy, it portrays a post-apocalyptic Cthulhu. I think I loved it so much because not only was incredibly unexpected, but it kind of reminded me of the Shadow Monster from Stranger Things season 2 -- which the Duffer Brothers admit that a lot of the show is inspired by Stephen King! 

The Monkey was also one of my favourites in this collection, bringing a terrifying twist to Toy Story -- let's be realistic, if you've read this short story, admit it reminded you of the creepy monkey in Toy Story 3. 

Survivor Type also creeped me out really bad. It's a well-written short story about cannibalism and boy, was it terrifying.

And lastly, The Raft was one of my favourites as well because of its suspenseful concept. 

Like any other collection, the poetry turned me down a little bit. I always think his poetry reminds me of a mix between classic and modern poetry, although a little more on the modern poetry side. And to some, modern poetry might be amazing, and that's great. But personally, I love the classic poetry instead, the ones that sit there and make you think.

And I feel like King's short stories and full-length novels are way better written, more intricate, and perhaps makes you think more than his poems which I find very broad and specific. 

Overall, this is a great collection to start with. And none of his work in this collection I'd say are bad, but I'll admit some are better. 

If you've read Skeleton Crew by Stephen King, I'd love to know your thoughts as well! Did you love it? Hate it? Thought it was okay? Which stories were your favourites?

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