So Upset About This One - Zenith Review (Spoilers???)


Zenith by Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings 

Zenith basically follows a group of female space pirates who are on a mission to rescue someone which evidently turns into a galaxy-wide war. 

Disclaimer: Both Sasha and Lindsay are amazing people who are part of the book community; they both have amazing BookTube channels which I love, but I want to remind everyone that that will not affect my honest review.

I don't really know where to start with this review honestly, because I'm all over the place with this. 

Like I said earlier, I love Sasha and Lindsay so much so I was incredibly excited for this release. 

I watched a review not too long ago which made a statement I can definitely agree on. Basically, I bought and read this book not because of whatever reviews it received and not only because I love these authors, but out of support. 

Meaning, as a part of the book community myself; I am a book blogger, I'm avidly part of the Bookstagram community, I'm starting a BookTube channel soon as well, I would want my readers and viewers to support my work as well, which is why I definitely did the same with these ladies. 

Before Zenith's full length novel was released, or even considered, I bought the short eBook novella (which is what Zenith was supposed to be: multiple eBook novellas) I pre-ordered it on my phone and I was so excited to read it. Might I mention, I loved it! The eBook novella, I feel like was the perfect medium for the plot line for the co-authors together. 

When it was announced that Zenith was going to become a full-length novel, I was very excited because I loved the novella. But after reading the newly release novel, I feel like it should have stayed a novella.. 

I had so many feelings towards Zenith which is why it took me a little while to write the review. 

Visualization-wise, I actually liked the appearance of most of the characters. I know a lot of people thought they were cheesy and weird but I really liked how different the characters' appearances were. I thought they were visually unique and a fun twist to normal characters. What I didn't like though was there weren't really an explanation as to why certain characters looked certain ways -- unless I missed it. Most of the characters had blurry stories of their pasts, if there even was an explanation. Some characters didn't even have a back story which was kind of irritating.

From what I got of the world, it was great to me. There wasn't a lot of world building to be honest. It was more where you'd have to visualize it yourself and from what my mind made up, I thought the space-like world was beautiful.

In relation to characters not having back stories, most of the characters didn't have their own personalities as well. Most of them were described as brutal or badass or whatever but weren't really described as any other personality.

Another thing I really noticed was that this book was A LOT like Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas. (Everyone knows I love SJM and currently loving Throne of Glass so it could perhaps just be me) For example, the main character Andi is described a lot like Celaena in which she's a "badass character with a rough past" who always lives/stays in a glass ship.. just like Dorian's family's glass castle where Celaena stays at.

The last thing I'll touch on is the writing style. To me, I thought a lot of it didn't make sense. The writing in this was very choppy and what I was thinking was perhaps Lindsay and Sasha both have different writing styles and they both weren't clashed together appropriately -- more on the editors' end than the authors'. Something I realized was the climax of the book was somewhere around 100 pages of this 500+ paged book. Meaning for 400 pages, the plot was basically wasted and didn't really make any sense. Had the book been a bit shorter, I think it would have been a lot more enjoyable.

Overall, the book is a fun novel about friendship within the strong dynamic they had. I noticed the book had gotten a lot of hate on GoodReads saying the book was awful and I wouldn't say I agreed or disagreed. The book has a lot of potential, I felt like perhaps if it was thought through better and edited more efficiently, it would be better than what it already is.

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