I Did Okay This Month - May Wrap Up


Can you all believe it's already June?!

It feels like 2018 is flying through! Months seem like minutes now.

Well, now that it's a new month, it means it's finally time to do a monthly Wrap Up! 

This month I didn't read as much as I'd like. My goal for 2018, generally is 75 books and I've surpassed the halfway point as I've read 44 books so far, so I suppose I am on schedule; but I was hoping to read a little more this month. 

With that being said, I've only read 5 books in May!

A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J Maas

This was the very first book I read in May -- literally, I read it on it's release day which was May 1st and finished it in a couple of hours. It was indeed one of my most anticipated reads of 2018 although, I didn't provide such a high rating as I would have hoped for. If you want to read my review, it is linked right here.

Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

The second book I read in May was Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo. I love the Six of Crows duology and The Language of Thorns which all take place in the same world as the Grisha trilogy, Shadow and Bone being the first book. I love the Grisha World so much and couldn't pass up this book as King of Scars should be released soon as well. I wanted an intake of the Grisha World as much as possible before the new series comes out. 

The Long Walk by Stephen King

I was surprised by how little Stephen King books I've read in the month of May. The Long Walk being the only King book this month really surprises me. The Long Walk was actually really good. I haven't had much luck with King's Bachman Books yet so I was very happy that I actually loved this one.

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon 

Outlander is probably my second favourite read of this month. I started avidly watching the show this month and have been enjoying every episode I've seen so far. I wanted to finally dive into the book and I'll admit, I really loved it. I'm not typically into historical fiction but Outlander has a special place in my heart.

Red Rising by Pierce Brown 

My favourite read in may was definitely Red Rising. I had read a little snippet of the novel last month and truly enjoyed it. I decided to buy the book from there and I was quite in love with it. I haven't read a book where I actually cried.. until Red Rising. I sobbed. A lot.

And there you have it, my May Wrap Up! I didn't read as many books as I'd like to but I'm hoping June really pulls through and I read a lot more!

How many books have you read in the month of May? Let me know in the comments or on Instagram!

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