I'm So Happy With The Books I Read This Month! - June Wrap Up


Ahh, yes. Another monthly wrap up.

It feels like the year is flying by. We're already almost in July but I feel like January was just yesterday.

With that being said, June has come to an end and that means we join together and talk about the books I read this month.

I'm very happy with all the books I read in June. I felt like I had a solid reading month and I'm pretty sure I loved most of them.

I read 9 books in June which is amazing, and I'm hoping my reading only picks up from here.

So without further ado, let's get into the books I read in June!

Legendary by Stephanie Garber

This was the very first book I finished in June - literally. I finished it on June 1st. I believe it was released in late May but it did take me a little while to get my hands on it because it was sold out in stores. But I did eventually get my hands on it and the wait was totally worth it because this sequel to Caraval was amazing.

City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare

I think everyone knows my feelings about the previous book City of Bones. If you aren't aware, I didn't like it. Mostly because I didn't like the main character Clary and because the writing wasn't the best. But I finally dived into City of Ashes and i see such improvement in Cassandra Clare's writing. I honestly did enjoy this read.

Watch the Girls by Jennifer Wolfe

Watch the Girls was one of the books I was sent to by Hatchette Book Group in exchange with an honest review and I had very high expectations for this one. But sadly, it didn't exactly meet what I was expecting and so it wasn't a very enjoyable read for me.

Campfire by Shawn Sarles

Campfire is the other book I was sent by Hatchette in exchange for a honest review and unlike Watch the Girls, I really enjoyed this novel. It gave me such 80s/90s slasher movie vibes and I absolutely loved it. If you want to read my review for it, the link will be here.

Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King

One of the books that came out recently is The Outsider by Stephen King and I have been dying to read it. But a lot of people said it included spoilers for King's infamous trilogy, the Bill Hodges trilogy; Mr. Mercedes being the first book. Of course, I had to re-read this before I dived into the other two books so I decided to do so this month. When previously reading Mr. Mercedes, I didn't really enjoy this but I think it was because I was in the wrong mindset. This month, I absolutely fell in love with this book and I cannot wait to dive into the rest.

Heir of Fire by Sarah J Maas

I am finally catching up on my Throne of Glass "re-read" and I'm loving it. I do have about 3 more books left to read until I am all caught up but I'm slowly getting there. Heir of Fire actually took me about a month to finish which was such a bummer to me; when listening to these books on audiobook, Heir of Fire was my favourite. But when reading them, I think the previous book Crown of Midnight might be my favourite so far.

Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay

I absolutely love the show Dexter so when I found out it was based on a book, I decided to dive into the series. I've only read the first book so far - obviously and I unfortunately won't be continuing the series. Not anytime soon, anyways. Don't get me wrong, I loved the book. It's just not as good as the show in my opinion.

Full Dark, No Stars by Stephen King

It's been quite a while since I read a short story/novella collection by Stephen King so I was very excited to dive into this one. I really liked Netflix's adaptation of 1922 and I wanted to read and compare the two so I decided to pick this book up. I also realized how little King I've been reading and thought I should dive into it more. I actually loved this collection and loved how dark this was, honestly.

Desperation by Stephen King

The last book I read in June of 2018 is Desperation by Stephen King. I've seen mixed reviews of this novel but have been very eager to dive into this one. I wasn't expecting to like this because of the mixed reviews I've seen and/or heard about but I actually loved this novel. It may be one of my favourite King books as well, I thought it was that amazing. I cannot wait to dive into the companion novel, The Regulators written by King in the pseudonym Richard Bachman.

And there is my list of books I've read in June.

I am vey happy with all the books I've read in June, including how many since I've been in a reading slump lately but I think 9 books in 30 days is considered a perfect reading month!

How many books have you read in June and what is your favourite of them all? Let me know in the comments section or on my Instagram

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