Is He A Better Horror Writer Than His Dad?! - NOS4A2 Review


NOS4A2 by Joe Hill

NOS4A2 follows our main character Victoria "Vic" McQueen who is able to cross the bridge called The Shorter Way which leaves her to a completely different land. From there she meets multiple people, including Charlie Manx, a man who likes to pick up children to "save" them. Vic is the only child able to to escape from Manx and his carnival-like playground, Christmasland. But fast-forward a couple years, when Vic believes she has gotten rid of Manx. She hasn't. He takes Vic's son to Christmasland where she tries to save him. 

I absolutely loved his book. 

Very similar to The Nightmare Before Christmas and Krampus theme, this definitely serves as a Christmas horror.

To start off, the mixed worlds between original reality and Christmasland is very simple, which I'd much rather prefer. Most of the time, stories have this unrealistic, fantasy element of traveling from one area to another. It's usually something ridiculous like taking a spaceship or something. 

With The Shorter Way and having Charlie Manx pick up kids through his car, it's not only simple but also realistic. 

No, biking over a bridge to another world isn't necessarily something that happens in reality but it does serve a simple and easy element of travel. 

The realistic part I was thinking of is a man picking up kids in his car. This portrays Stranger Danger and Kid Kidnapping in modernized society, yet blended into a unrealistic world. 

I found that my most favourite part was the characters.

Charlie Manx is a very interesting villain. He is twisted, creepy and terrifying yet he's also very vulnerable as he longs for acceptance. Manx is surely a villain I found such a great fascination for as he was surely well written in a greater aspect. I really wish we got more of a back story with him though, but I do still think Manx as a character is still fine without it. 

Vic is also a very interesting character, I found. Coming from the tragic background she has had, most would think Vic would become someone evil as well. Yet her heart is so full, she is full of compassion and might I mention she is badass. I genuinely loved her character. If I were to relate her character to anyone, I'd say her character really reminds me of Maggie Greene from The Walking Dead. Badass with a big heart. 

The world in which Joe Hill created, this Christmasland is creepy yet amusing. The thought of having Christmasland like an amusement park sounds almost friendly and welcoming. But don't be fooled, this place is just as creepy and dangerous as depicted in the horror films.

I think thats what makes it the best world developing element. I get very similar vibes to Joe Hill's father Stephen King's novel IT where there is a friendly like creature who actually is vicious.

Which by the way, if you read my reviews often or you are a fan of Stephen King, you'd know he likes to make references to each of in novels, in his novels. Well Joe Hill is surely catching on as there are some IT references in this novel as well. 

When it comes to writing, most would want to compare Joe Hill and his father's writing. And honestly, they are both phenomenal writers: especially in the horror genre.

I think Joe Hill gets a lot of the writing styles he possess from his father, but they are definitely not the same.

In my honest opinion, I feel as although they are both amazing writers, there isn't really an option as to which author is better. It's more of Stephen King is the horror writer of the older generation whilst Joe Hill can easily continue his father's legacy with the newer generation.

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