It Just Keeps Getting Better! - The Bazaar of Bad Dreams Review


The Bazaar of Bad Dreams by Stephen King 

The Bazaar of Bad Dreams by Stephen King is one of his more recent short story collections with dozens of stories about various topics, themes, and of course.. fears. 

Stephen King never lets me down. I fell in love with his short stories after reading Skeleton Crew a few months earlier but I'l definitely admit this collection might be even better. 

The writing style in this book alone is fantastic. All the stories were written well and had very interesting and relatable characters. I also loved how in some circumstances of the short stories, there are aspects that will make you feel like this could happen to anyone. 

I guess I won't go too in depth with the reviews because there is at least 20 short stories in all.

One of my favourite stories in this collection was Mile 81 which brought a mix of every horror/infamous Stephen King book into one. 

The gruesome killer car was my favourite aspect as at the beginning it was very unexpected to not only myself, but to the characters in the short story as well. 

Bad Little Kid was also an amazing as I thought the characters were quite interesting.

Stephen King also expanded into poetry with this collection and although I thought it was an interesting idea since Stephen King has never written that element.

One of my favourite aspects of this collection is not just the beautiful short stories, but King's introduction to writing. I love the fact that before every short story, he included a little blurb on why he wrote each short story or what inspired it.

I also loved the fact that King included his inspirations for novels and how he always mentions a writer's work is never "complete" until the day the author dies.

Essentially saying that many of the short stories in this collection have been adjusted or added onto within the past 50 or so years King has been writing.

I also love reading and watching interviews of how King finds inspiration of each of his stories: simply researching things about towns, biggest fears from himself and civilians and putting everything together. Which to me was very interesting.

Personally, I love Stephen King's writing and getting deep into his mindset and how he finds inspiration for these works are my favourite aspect.

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