Can't Believe It's 2018! - My Favourite Books I Read In 2017


Can you believe it's 2018 already? 

As every year, I am of course continuing my goal of reading 75 books in a year; 365 days. 
Last year, I did a great job and exceeded my goal reading 85 books instead of 75! 

To reflect on all the books I've read last year, I decided to write a post on my ten favourite books I read in 2017! They don't necessarily need to be published in 2017, let alone some are re-reads I finally enjoyed in 2017 but I decided to add them in this list as well!

They are in no particular order as it was really hard to pick a favourite (more or less IT might have been my number one but who knows *wink wink*) and I also will not give descriptions on what the book is about. But other than that, here are my ten favourite books I read in 2017! 

The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo 

This was my first set of short stories I had ever read and it really didn't disappoint. I loved the fact that not only was the book compiled with beautiful work written by Leigh Bardugo, but it was also filled with such beautiful artwork as well. It was also my very first short story bind up which made it also very special!

IT by Stephen King 

Bet you would've never guessed this book to be on my top favourite reads of 2017 *wink wink*. I don't think there needs to be much of an explanation as to why this book is included, honestly. It was an amazing read; filled with creepiness, friendship, horror and much more. This also introduced me to other horror/thriller/mystery novels -- shows and movies as well. And it branched me into more adult literature which was a plus! 

This Savage Song by Victoria Shwab 

I felt like I didn't talk much about This Savage Song this year, but it was definitely an amazing read. It was so well written, I loved the characters, and overall has an amazing plot. Honestly, the book itself and the words written in it gave me such a good feeling -- it was dark, suspenseful and worth the read. 

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo 

Surprise! Another Bardugo book is added onto this list. I hyped about this novel so much in 2017. It was one of my first reads in 2017 and man was it a great start to the year. The plot was amazing and I felt like Leigh Bardugo dominated it so well! The characters as well, were so easy to fall in love with as each and every one of them were so uniquely portrayed. 

The Shining by Stephen King 

I tried not to add so much King into this list -- even though everyone knows I'd do it if I could. This book added onto the great eerie vibes I had during Halloween and I loved every second of it. Danny and Jack were such strong characters and there were so many part of the book that had me gasping and on the edge of my chair. 

Caraval by Stephanie Garber 

Alongside Six of Crows, I talked about Caraval so much in 2017. I read this book in 24 hours because it was just so good. Despite the main character who annoyed me, the plot was amazing and the ending seriously blew me away. 

A Game of Thrones by George R.R Martin 

This was one of the books that took me a while to get into; I read it two or three times in 2017. But once I got into it, I became obsessed. I tried to get into the show last year when I had to watch the first episode for my media class, but never understood the concept until I had read the novel. Might I say, the book is phenomenal. It's well written, great characters, amazing world. It's suspenseful and much more. I genuinely loved the book -- and televison show.

Skeleton Crew by Stephen King 

Another short story collection added to my favourites; I genuinely enjoyed my second short story book. This one had so many short stories I enjoyed, especially the infamous The Mist. Honestly, this introduction really made me love King's short stories and tend to read them often now!

Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas

If you're a long time reader or follow me on bookstagram, I know what you're thinking: isn't Sarah J Maas one of your favourite authors? Yes. Yes she is. And for a while, I didn't like the Throne of Glass series compares to A Court of Thorns and Roses. But as I read this book at the end of 2017, opposed to listening to it on audible, I found that I really love the series. The characters especially. I found like I missed out on so much listening to the audiobook and have re-fallen in love with the series. 

Nevernight by Jay Kristoff 

And finally, I had to add this book onto my list because WOW! It was so well-written and action packed. I loved the main character Mia and found a huge obsession for this book. I have yet to get into the next book, but I hope to soon!

So that is my favourite books in 2017, that I have read. I realized that none of the books I had mentioned were released in 2017, but I also wasn't really into new releases that year. 

I am very excited to hear from you guys and hear what your favourite read of 2017 was! 

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