Annoying or Amazing? - City of Bones Review


City of Bones by Cassandra Clare 

City of Bones follows are main character Clary in her quest to find her mother who has disappeared. Whilst looking for her mother, she finds out a huge secret about their family that Clary's mother has been keeping from her: they are Shadowhunters, angelic people who save mundanes from the demon world. Through this knowledge, Clary meets new people, just like her who help her save her mother.

City of Bones will forever be one of my favourites. I've loved the Shadowhunter world and what it contains since I entered this magical realm. But of course, as I grow, so does my opinions. 

I guess we'll start off with the world itself. I love how Cassie Clare formed this new world for readers. Personally, I love how in depth she thought about this Shadowhunter world and how it all alligns together with the three series (which I'll get more into once I start reviewing the other books and series) The idea of putting a world inside our current world -- Earth of course, and mash them together I thought was very well done. 

Cassandra Clare does a great job at portraying urban fantasy which is typically a lot harder for other authors I find. 

Writing was beautiful. There were some parts which I thought sections ran on or it wasn't interesting enough to read, but of course there were many suspenseful moments that really overtook the negative.

Character-wise, I thought the main character Clary was annoying. And honestly, the older I get, the more she annoys me. I felt like for majority of the book she only cared about herself and didn't care much about the other Shadowhunters -- except Jace.. in some circumstances. 

Izzy and Alec were my top favourite characters - especially Izzy for her bada** female portrayal. Although, the rest of the characters were just as amazing. 

My favourite aspect of this book/series is how diverse it is. With Alec and Magnus being gay and different races of the characters, I love how diverse and perhaps even relatable these characters are!

Surely enough, since I started reading this series, I've always wanted to be a Shadowhunter as well.

The books turned out so successful that it is not only a movie but now also a television show on Freeform! 

If you lovelies want me to review either, definitely let me know! 

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