The Series Gets Better! - City of Ashes Review (Minor Spoilers)


City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare

City of Ashes is the second book in Cassandra Clare's debut Shadowhunters based series, The Mortal Instruments. 

*I know it's marked as 5 stars on my goodreads, but I felt like 4 stars really suites this book instead.*

It has been quite a while since I read this book, but I really wanted to publish this review before I post the review of the next book, City of Glass because I have a lottttt to say. (you'll find out in the next post *wink*)

So if you follow me on Instagram or Goodreads, or even if you've read my review of the first book, City of Bones, you'd know that I was not a fan of the book at all. I highly recommend reading my review for the first book if you haven't yet, the link will be here.

I actually wasn't planning on reading the rest of the series and I was highly debating on giving away the books because I thought I wouldn't be "Shadowhunters Trash" like everyone else.

But a lot of you guys told me to pull through because the series gets better and you guys are absolutely right!

I'm so happy I pulled through because the more I read the series, the more it picks up and the more I fall in love. (I am definitely Shadowhunters obsessed now)

I wanted to start off with characters because that was one of the main things that threw me off from the previous book and almost made me drop the whole entire world. I am so happy that Cassandra Clare's writing has progressed so much since the last book, itself.

Clary seemed a lot easier to withstand this book than she was last which made me so happy because I was definitely dreading this element this most. I also really liked how although Clary is the main, main character, this story really revolved around Jace and kind of his trials with Valentine being his father and all the backlash per se. I just really like the fact that it isn't just revolving around Clary, there's other side plots and every character has their own story to follow with.

Also, Jace being a sassy, sarcastic asshole is probably one of my favourite things about Jace himself, but because it also adds onto a small form of comic relief that I really enjoyed.

Another thing I really loved and made me pursue the series is how much the plot and suspense has improved. The previous book was a little dull in my opinion, but I love how in this book, it's starting to pick up and become more eventful; more "juicy" if you will.

Of course, one of things I really didn't like and I think I'm alongside everyone else is the fact that Clary and Jace find out their "siblings" (I say that in quotations because it's "fake news" - spoiler for the next book and my next review lol) but yet they still have feelings for each other. I thought that was super weird. I was quite uncomfortable during the scene where Clary kisses Simon and all she thinks about is Jace - super cringe to kiss your best friend and all you think about is your "brother".

Can we also talk about the amount of times Simon dies and is then brought back to life. The guy has zero luck, that's for sure.

Overall, I really liked this book. The plot has picked up immensely and Cassandra Clare's writing has definitely evolved.

Whats your favourite Shadowhunter book? Let me know in the comments or on my Instagram! I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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