I Think This May Be My Favourite Book of the Series! - City of Glass Review (Spoilers)


City of Glass by Cassandra Clare

City of Glass is the third book in Cassandra Clare's debut series The Mortal Instruments.

I'm so obsessed.

I'm so happy you guys encouraged me to pull through this series, and this world because I think City of Glass is probably my favourite book of the three I've read so far.

There's just so many elements that really sucked me in and made me continue the series as I am doing so.

I wanted to start off by saying, Cassandra Clare's writing has definitely evolved, plot-wise and character-wise and she really has you gripping on the edge of your seat for this book.

I know a lot of people aren't a huge fan of how big these books are (I think City of Glass is about 600 pages long) but I really enjoy being submerged in this world that is almost like our own with these characters I have seemed to fall in love with.

After reading the previous book, City of Ashes, I've really become attached to all of these characters and I'd much love to spend as much time as I can with them.

This book has definitely progressed since the first book as it's a lot more eventful, even compared to the last one, where everything seemed to keep you on the edge of your seat.

I know with big books, it tends to be really easy for the reader to lose interests or even, the author to lose the plot as it typically runs on with big books like this. But I definitely feel like Cassandra Clare does a great job with keeping the reader entertained with this one.

Character-wise, I love all the characters as always. (Kind of) And I'm really loving how much the plot is explanding for not just Clary, but everyone else around her.

I absolutely love diversity in books, whether it is a racial addition, or including LGBTQ+ characters and I'm so glad I've gotten to the point where Alec and Magnus' relationship finally soars. This news isn't really "news" to me as it's always been all over bookstagram so I am familiar with this ship, but I never thought I'd love it more than I do after reading this book. You guys really don't understand how much I've squealed while reading City of Glass.

I've also really loved the addition of Clary's actual brother Sebastian (which we don't really find out that he's Clary's real brother and not Jace until basically the end.) as I thought he was a really freaking creepy character and the fact that he tried to kiss Clary (whom is his sister) is really weird. I know at that time, Clary had no idea, but I'm honestly so tired of Cassandra Clare adding all these "accidental incest relationships". Which, speaking of, the fact that Jace also confessed his love for Clary during the time they thought they were siblings was also a roll my eye moment.

Thankfully, it's confirmed to everyone that Jace and Clary aren't related by the end of the book which is where they finalize their love. Regardless, this was one of the weird moments of the novel, just like the previous one.

One of my favourite aspects of Cassandra Clare's books is that it really is Urban Fantasy (which is Fantasy incorporated in our world) so I love hearing about different places in New York that sound familiar but is also incorporated in this Shadowhunter world.

It makes the whole idea so realistic and genuine and I quite love that detail.

There are six books in The Mortal Instruments series, al being divided by two trilogies per se, and I'm quite glad I finished the first part. I'm really excited to dive into the last half (after I read The Infernal Devices like everyone says) and see what's to come from there.

I'm hoping for less weird relationships and more badass moments.

What is your favourite moment in Shadowhunter history so far? (Remember to add a spoiler alert if needed) Let me know in the comments or on my Instagram! I'd love to read through them.

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