Better Than I Thought! - January Wrap Up


Can you guys believe it's 2019 already?!

Last year went by so fast, it's so weird to say we're a year away from 2020.

I'm so excited to be getting back into not only blogging and writing, but reading as well.

The end of 2018 was a rough reading time for me because I worked so much, to the point where I found it so difficult to find reading time. But I think January was a good reading month for me, and I was able to slowly get myself back into my reading habits without putting myself in a slump.

As you guys know, I love writing my monthly wrap ups, mostly because I love looking back and seeing all the books I've read and when.

In the first month of 2019, I read 6 books!

To me, 6 books isn't the greatest, but it's also not the worst. But because I didn't read anything for the previous months and I did end up going on "vacation" at the end of January, I'm really happy with the amount of books I read anyways.

With that being said, let's dive into the 6 books I read in January 2019.

City of Glass by Cassandra Clare

My very first read of 2018 was actually City of Bones by Cassandra Clare, which is the first book in her Mortal Instruments series. Even though I'm going through her books very slowly, I thought it was only right to start the new year reading City of Glass (which I happen to like a lotttttt better than City of Bones - review will be up soon!)

Fire and Blood by George R R Martin 

So originally, I wasn't going to purchase Fire and Blood anytime soon, I was going to wait a couple of months, maybe pick it up by the summertime. But I did spend most of my days in a bookstore last holiday season and the book was haunting me every time I came in for a shift. I decided to pick it up finally when I went to my local drug store early January and devoured the book.

Creepshow by Stephen King

If you haven't read my previous Wrap Ups, I found a new love for graphic novels and comics which I love to read on my iPad when I get then chance. I was in a very Stephen King-esque mood but I also wanted to read something quickly. When I finally got my hands on Creepshow, I decided to read it right away and again, devoured it.

Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor

I've actually listened to this on audiobook a couple of years back but completely forgot what the book was about (and it was quite apparent when I re-read it because I didn't remember anything that was happening lol). But I decided to pick up a physical copy and read it before I read the new release Muse of Nightmares. I'm still iffy on my thoughts and I'm not sure if I want to do one more re-read in the future before I write my review for it.

Renegades by Marissa Meyer

For Johely and I's January Book Club pick, we chose to read Renegades and it was an interesting one. I quite liked it; I read a couple of Meyer's books in the Lunar Chronicles series and fell in love with her writing so I thought it was only appropriate to dive into this book as well.

Heir of Fire by Sarah J Maas

You guys haven't really heard me talk about Sarah J Maas much lately, from what I've realized. But if this read looks familiar from my other Wrap Ups, you have a good eye. I re-read this a couple of months ago in preparation for the last book in the series, but now I can't get myself out of this area of the series; mainly because I don't want it to end.

A very short and simple wrap up; the post seems so unnatural to me with me by the amount of books I've read last month.

But regardless, I'm quite happy I read anything opposed to being in a reading slump or not having time to read at all.

How many books have you lovelies read in the month of January? I'd love to know down in the comments or on my Instagram!

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