Not My Favourite King... - Christine Review


Christine by Stephen King

This infamous Stephen King novel follows our outcast main character Arnie who falls in love with this 1958 red and white Plymouth Fury that he sees parked in someone's driveway, eager to sell it. Christine, named by the previous owner gives Arnie the confidence he's never had. Until Arnie's best friend uncovers Christine's murderous past.

Surprise! A King book I didn't really enjoy.. 

It's not that the book was written awfully or the plot was bad because lets be honest, that is Stephen King's best areas. 

If you've read Stephen King books, you'd know that King loves to go into detail with a lot of his works. Whether that means going in depth with family relationships or finding new side stories to the plot; Stephen King's books are typically long because, well, Stephen King loves to write!

I mentioned the fact that King loves to run on with his plot in my review of The Shining. Although, with The Shining, to me, it was more manageable to read because there were still a lot of suspense, especially from about mid to the end of the book. 

With Christine, it felt like so many details ran on and on. 

I felt like near the end was when I felt more of the suspense and horror.

Honestly, I read King's short story Mile 81 before this and loved the gore and horror and suspense in that short story and was really hoping for something like that with Christine. 

Although there were terrifying scenes, it wasn't like Mile 81 where the car continued to traumatize it's victims. 

Don't get me wrong, Dennis and Leigh's discovery of Christine's past is still terrifying, just not terrifying enough for me.

But, I did love the plot and characters which is why it still received a pretty high rating. 

With Arnie, you could really feel his personality and feelings whilst reading the book. His relationship with his family is heartwrenching. You can also really feel how much his friend Dennis really cared about him as well.

I also loved the plot. I loved the idea of this possessed car that murderous people. I think King is very creative with his plot lines and I love how he brings horror to everything in a person's normal life. 

Honestly, a book like this will stumble across everyone's reading journey. Where you're incredibly excited to read this book by your favourite author and it just doesn't live up to your standards. Things like this is what makes me adore my favourite authors even more. 

Almost like, "Yeah, he's my favourite author. But no, I don't like every single one of his books." I think thats phenomenal.

Anyways, enough of my admiration of King, would I still recommend Christine to other readers? Sure. Would I say this is the worst book I've ever read? No. Would I say this is my favourite book Stephen King has ever written? Definitely not.

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