My First Week of Writing - Writing With Jess


Since many of you love reading my reflection posts and a lot of you have been very supportive and eager with my writing process, I promised I would do writing updates on Instagram and writing reflections on my blog.

I felt like this was an outlet for myself to get down my writing memories for the future and even let you all in on my journey: the good and the bad. 

I've decided to write a new series on my blog, similar to Jess' Book Advice but with writing called: Writing With Jess.

Here I'll share all my writing reflections, little updates and much more!

With my first week of writing coming to an end, I decided to write a post on an little update and reflection! 

 At the beginning of the week, I had a base idea: I wanted to write horror, and needed to figure out what I wanted to write about, the setting, characters etc. and branch off from there.

And that point I was pretty lost as I didn't know what I wanted to include in my novel and how to make it as terrifying as possible and honestly, the first day was kind of a slump. 

Throughout the day, I would think of different ideas but none really stuck to me. I felt like ideas were approaching me but not sticking. These ideas almost felt like I thought they were cool, but not good enough to be in a debut novel. 

The next day, I woke up extra early, unintentionally which typically doesn't usually happen. But that morning I was motivated. I made myself a cup of coffee -- something I also don't typically do and I sat down and jot down ideas.

That morning I remember reading news articles which I tend to do and was inspired by an article I read. (I don't want to go in detail with the plot of my book until my book is published due to copyright reasons.)

After I read that article, ideas were bouncing off my head and the ideas were never ending: what if I add this, or this. What if this becomes this.

It was a phenomenal feeling. That day I believe I had my ideas on paper, an outline discovered, and a bit of the actual manuscript written down as well.

Since then, I've been waking up at the wee-early times, before the sun even rises and I write. I see so many authors state that you should write down anything, even if you aren't proud of it because you can edit them out later. And so I did.

I set myself a limit to write at least 2,500 words per day and so far I've been doing a pretty good job. Some days I miss the goal, some days I do exceptionally well.

I also noticed that since I've been very motivated lately, I've been waking up early and spending most of my days working and reading. Whether it was at my retail job, writing my book, on bookstagram or blogging.

Before this, I was depressed and unmotivated. I spent my days working my retail job and sleeping with the occasional blogging and bookstagram.

I also found myself to read a lot more than I usually do which is incredible. Because I've decided to limit my time on social media, I've spent a lot more time around books which I am loving.

So far, I think my writing journey is going swell and I'm very excited for the journey! My new goal for next week and further on in my journey is to explore the world a little more: go on walks, talk to people who know the history of certain towns a little more. Perhaps it will give me more inspirations.

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