Hopping Off Of Social Media?!?! - My 2018 Goal


As we're four months into 2018, I've realized I haven't really expressed any of my goals for 2018. And honestly, most of it was because I really wasn't sure if I was going to go through with it.

But as 2018 goes on and I'm starting to grow more as a person, I've realized what I really want and what I really need.

I love doing these reflection posts and all of my lovely readers seem to love reading them as well!

Growing up, I've always been on social media; I've based all my teenage years on the internet and on social media accounts such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc. and perhaps growing up this way really mentally drains you.

I'll admit that social media isn't something I hate as it brought and continues to bring so many opportunities for me; I've just come to the conclusion that I shouldn't be spending all my time on it.

To me, social media is almost like a void to another world -- it can bring good and bad. But when you're in this void for so long, it drains you and at some points eliminates your existence in reality.

I've noticed so many people on their phones for many hours of the day, ignoring the world around them.

I'll admit, I spend a fair amount of time on my phone as well but once someone tries to make conversation or wants to spend time with myself, my phone is away; when you're trying to talk to someone or even in public and you're unable to have a conversation with someone it can be quite irritating.

I recently watched a Joe Hill interview (yes, of course I have to bring the King family in my post like always) and he had discussed how being on social media for extended amounts of time makes him depressed and I agree. It feels as if you're disconnected from the world when you spend so much time on your devices.

My main goal for 2018 and perhaps for the rest of my life is the ability to not depend on my phone so much. I want to be able to leave my house and not worry about what other people are posting about.

I want to replace writing instead of social media. Meaning, instead of having an itch to check my phone, I want an itch to grab a note pad and write.

In Joe Hill's interview, he mentioned that he really enjoys this idea and would write excessively everywhere and that is my main goal.

He expressed how once he ditched the option of consistently checking his phone and pick up a pen and note pad realized how much he could write; the first time he brought a pen and notepad around with him instead of his phone, he filled up a whole notepad quickly. And once the notepad was finished, he used a placemat at a diner he was eating at.

I prefer to be more intuitive with literature than electronic devices. And perhaps if you've already been living this lifestyle for quite some time now, kudos to you! 

Like I said, I'm not giving up social media because honestly in this day and age, it's impossible to do so. I'll still be posting avidly on my blog and Instagram and perhaps Twitter as well. But I'd much rather prefer to spend most of my time writing and reading than spending most of my time on my phone.

For me, this might be a tough stretch of a goal but I'm willing and committed in doing so!

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