My Most Controversial Review... - 13 Reasons Why Book and Show Review


13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher

13 Reasons Why follows our main character Clay Jensen's point of view in his journey, listening to tapes. But the tapes aren't just any tapes. After school one day, Clay receives a package containing seven tapes. Voiced by Hannah Baker, a girl Clay once had a crush on; each side of the seven tapes tells a story of why - or who make Hannah Baker kill herself.

I have debated on whether or not I wanted to post this review for a while, but thought it might be helpful if you, or someone you knew wanted to get into any of the mediums - especially the show.


There was so much about the book that made me on the boarderline between liking and not liking it. Starting with the plot/concept of this book. Mental Illness related books are very hard to read or write without thinking that the plot romanticizes Mental Illnesses. Now, would I say 13 Reasons Why romanticizes Mental Illness? Definitely not. Did I think the fact that Hannah purposely recorded 13 sides of seven tapes to convey which individuals made her end her life was a little bizzare? Absolutely. 

Now, looking into Hannah's point of view, I definitely understand that she recorded the tapes as a revenge sequence - but I didn't really think the tapes were necessary, although it does make a staple plot prompt. 

Generally though, when you read what Hannah's peers did to her that made her end her life, its high school things that I feel like almost everyone can relate to - especially women. Bullying, harassment, men feeling the need to touch your body without asking. And although its disgusting and uncomfortable to read about, it gives some people who have gone through the same things, an outlet to relate in a sense. 

I've met so many people who have told me "Jess, I love 13 Reasons Why because I can relate to it." Would I say the same thing about myself? Probably not, but it still gives an outlet to those to can.

One of the things that I really like most about the book than with the television show is that it gives straightforward reasoning about what made Hannah uncomfortable. With the show, I found a lot of the time I thought, "Okay, well thats not really a big deal.." Where as, with the book, it gives a better explanation. Almost like a "You did this and although it sounds like its not a big deal, it caused this." 

One of the things that I disliked the most about the book was Clay's thoughts and reactions while listening to Hannah's tapes.  I loved the fact that they separated Hannah speaking on the tape with Clay's thought process and actions by the font. But man, there were so many times I wanted to smack Clay. Hannah would talk about something serious and Clay would think about what he was going to have for dinner or something. I thought Clay's thought process was a little too specific and should have just related to what Hannah was talking about.

Also, the use of characters isn't as prominent as in the show. Most of the characters in the show aren't mentioned in the book at all. Which was a bummer. (If you thought the show did Jeff dirty, read the book.)

Now, there are multiple endings to the book depending on which copy you decide to read from. Just as a little heads up; I found that out after I had finished the book. Regardless, there isn't much of a difference between novels otherwise.

Television Show 

I would not recommend the show to anyone under the age of 15.

Just to begin, if you are planning on watching the televison show or your child has interest in watching the televison show; I would highly suggest discussing mental health with your child, or even reconsider whether or not you would allow them to watch the show because it is very triggering.  

The televison adaptation has been given a lot of positive reviews by press and media - but also very negative because of the situations being portrayed. And before I forget, there are trigger warnings at the beginning of episodes containing serious content because the show seems almost realistic. 

Again, your opinions and views may differentiate between what you are comfortable with and what you are not. Just like the book, I've met people who have found an outlet where they related to the show but I've also met people who were so disgusted and uncomfortable with the show. 

Personally, I really enjoyed this adaptation. A lot better than the book to be honest. I didn't relate to the show or books, but found the way they portrayed the book to be quite interesting. I really liked the character choices and even how they expanded characters and made people who had no name in the book, a prominent character in the show - Jeff for example.

I also really liked how in the show, you saw Clay's relationship with everyone who was mentioned on the tapes. You see how the tapes not only affect Clay; but how it affects the others. 

One of the negative aspects of the show that I didn't like was how broad the show's version of Hannah's reasonings were. Like I mentioned earlier, some Hannah's reasonings on the tapes made almost no sense when you watched the show. There was a lot of moments where I watched the show and thought "why was she upset about that?" until I re-read the book and thought "OHHHH, that makes so much sense now." 

Unlike the book where it took place in one night, the book takes a series of days which I think is an important aspect of the plot. I found that the show takes the situations a little too triggering. You'll understand what I mean if you've read the book and watched the show. Some things from the book were switched to a more triggering situation for the sake of television which I didn't enjoy either. 

The show also just got renewed for a second season and although I did like the show, I'm having many doubts for the second season. I think it should have stopped at the end of the season/book and been left as a one season thing. Although, if the new season proves me wrong, I will be impressed. 

Regardless, looking into 13 Reasons Why before you get into either mediums is something I would highly suggest! Reactions and what you're comfortable with is different for every person. 

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