I Bet You Never Guessed These! - My Top 5 Favourite Authors (2017)


So every year, my interest in books seems to evolve and grow and I always seem to find new writers and branch into new genres. So I thought, yearly, I would do a little "Top 5 Favourites" where in the future I can see how my love for literature grows! 

This list was made by authors I've been enjoying more recently, but obviously has been produced since I started getting into reading and writing as a more serious hobby! 

Obviously everyone's opinions are different. I'm not saying that because I love these authors, you should too. Although, if you agree then thats great!

With that being said, here's my Top 5 Favourite Authors as of 2017! 

5. Leigh Bardugo

This is one of my more recent decisions as I just got into Leigh Bardugo at the beginning of this year. But as most know, her infamous duology Six of Crows was one of my favourite books/duology/series I've read in 2017. Since then, I've been hooked on her writing; specifically books that involve the Grisha Universe but her writing in general is just lovely.

4. Rick Riordan 

This really shouldn't be a surprise! I love how he writes different series that all pertains some form of mythology. Unlike most who grew up with Harry Potter, I grew up with Rick Riordan. I loved the Percy Jackson series as a kid and I feel like as I grow, so does his writing. As I've read a mix of his old writing and his new recently, I'd definitely say that Rick Riordan's work just gets better and better! 

3. Cassandra Clare 

This as well and the rest shouldn't really be a surprise! Cassandra Clare is best known for her work involving the Shadowhunting World is one of my top favourite books of all time. Very similar to Rick Riordan and Leigh Bardugo, I love how Cassie Clare writes different series, that are based in the same world. It's one of the books that got me into reading avidly and I feel like every day and I get a little more obsessed and a little more disappointed that I'm not a Shadowhuter.

2. Sarah J. Maas 

What can I say, I love Sarah J. Maas' work. From her extensively addictive and easy to love - or hate - characters to her very intricate worlds, I can never get enough of Sarah J. Maas' writing! Her writing style` is something I can never tone down about when I'm discussing it with other readers. Might I add, Sarah J. Maas is also just a lovely and relatable human herself. She's just great in general! 

1. Stephen King 

And lucky number one goes to the King himself, Stephen King. I have just recently got into his work and I am loving the journey already. Typically, I don't read Horror novels but Stephen King definitely brought me out of my reading comfort zone and now I am addicted! I can easily say that although I haven't read King's writing as much as I have with the previous authors, he definitely has a well-deserved spot as Number One! 

Honorable Mentions!

J.K Rowling 

I adore J.K Rowling ever so much and I love the Harry Potter series with my life. Although, I'm not a huge fan of her other works which places her in a spot for honorable mentions! I read her other works when I was quite young which is why it didn't really interest me, but I'll definitely give them a shot later in the future! 

Jane Austen 

This one is also a fairly new one. I'm just getting into reading more of Jane Austen's books and short stories but I don't feel as connected or in love with her writing just yet to make it into my top list! Hopefully after I read a few other ones, she'll make a deserving place on my top list! 

Like I said, these are my own opinions and they will probably change later in my life when I branch out into other authors and genres! 

I'm curious as to what your top authors are! Leave a comment down below or on my instagram photo; just like the one above and tell me your favourite author/your top favourite authors! 

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