My First Review Requested By The Publisher! - Trapped In Silver Review


Trapped In Silver by Emily Sowden

This book basically follows our main character Ava who is basically thought by everyone as someone who would never make it in life. She's accustomed to being lied to and was always let down as her father left her, having only her adoptive brother to support her. As she's attacked by a monstrous group of men who have an overly large obsession with her, Ava escapes to a unfamiliar land. When she receives news that her brother is missing, she involves herself in a war to unravel her nightmares and find the truth between love and betrayal.

I was given this book by the Publisher and the Author in exchange for an honest review!

This book definitely gave me mixed feelings and had me on the boarder line on whether or not I liked it or I didn't. There were some aspects of the novel that I really liked and some I really didn't. 

To start off, I didn't like the main character Ava. I didn't like the fact that she continued to make mistakes. Don't get me wrong, with her background story and not being able to trust people let alone the small character development near the end was understandable. But I was hoping that she would have smartened up a little bit after the first or second time. I also didn't feel like her character development was as strong as I would have liked it to be. 

I also really wished the pace in this novel was a little faster. To me, there were moments in the book where the chapters were really strong concepts and had me on the edge of my seat; but there were also a few chapters that were so slow to me. I'd like to see a more steady pace in the next book! 

But to bring up some positive sides, I loved Emily Sowden's writing itself. The words she uses and the way she puts it all together flowed so nicely to me. It was more enjoyable to just read the flow of the words and how the words portrayed what they mean to. 

I also loved the world! I loved the build up of the world and felt like it was my favourite part of the novel. The creatures were well-written about, the environment was very detailed. It was nice to read through it all and picture it in my head.  

But in my opinion, for a debut novel, Emily Sowden did a great job! I love her writing style, I love the world that she has created and I am very excited to get into the next book regardless and can definitely picture a lot of growth within her upcoming novel(s)! 

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