Was This The Ending I Was Hoping For? - Clockwork Princess Review (Spoilers)


Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare

Clockwork Princess is the final book in Cassandra Clare's The Infernal Devices series.

I can't believe this series has ended.

(I also think it's the second series I actually fully finished besides A Court of Thorns and Roses)

But for the first time ever, I wasn't dreading the ending. I wanted to continue this series until the end because I wanted to consecutively spend as much time as I could with these characters.

For starters, I've grown to love these characters so much throughout this trilogy. Even if that does include Gideon and Gabriel whom I didn't really like at the beginning.

I love the relationship made between Gideon and Sophie as well as Cecily and Gabriel.

I have also started to like Gabriel as a character as he starts to realize much of his flaws and moving past it throughout the series. During Clockwork Angel, Gabriel is shown to be very annoying and somewhat transgressive, per se. Although he was very loyal to his father, he wanted to protect his father even though he did horrible things.

From the start of the book where his father is turned into a worm through demon pox, up until the end where Jem is sent to be a Silent Brother, Gabriel as a character has grown a lot and I truly appreciate that. I also love the loyalty that has grown upon him towards Will and Charlotte.

As for Cecily, I wasn't a huge fan of her character at the beginning. She really starts to grow on you though and I think I really started to appreciate her character once she started accepting her brother's fate as a Shadowhunter.

A lot of people tend to relate Cecily as a side kick character in The Infernal Devices, but I've never seen her as such. I see her as more of an extra side character, per se, like Gabriel and Gideon. When it comes to side kicks, I see more of Sophie being Tessa's side kick to be honest.

I loved seeing more of Will, Jem and Tessa as always. Although, seeing the bond between Will and Jem during the time Jem was dying and Will losing his parabatai was heartbreaking. I think I cried the most during those parts because you truly felt Will's heartbreak. His mourning when Will thought Jem died because his parabatai rune started to fade and bleed, when Will found out Jem was Brother Zacariah as they were fighting Mortmain. Even as Will goes through the depression because although Jem isn't dead, he won't get to see Jem as much as he used to. You can tell how much Will loves him by the way he talks about Jem. He never talks about him in passed tense. (He never says he was his parabatai.) It was truly heartbreaking.

As for Tessa, I think her character development was the weakest in this book. I mean. yes, we get her backstory and yes, she does defeat Mortmain and the Clockwork Army by shapeshifting into an Angel and defeating them. But it wasn't anything like I would've imagined for an ending impression and I was really disappointed in that.

I think a lot of the ending was based on Will and Jem's relationship alongside building relationships with other Shadowhunters (Will and Tessa's included) that Tessa didn't get that huge character twist most of us were waiting for.

I mean, we know that her mom was a Shadowhunter and her dad was a demon (which is technically impossible) and her mother is actually Starkweather's daughter switched with a mundane at birth.  But it wasn't a huge wow factor to me for some reason. I was just expecting a lot more to it.

The last character I really wanted to talk about was Charlotte. And it's mainly because what she's going through is what many women still go through to this day. It's frustrating to see Charlotte doubted and her ideas discouraged because she's a women. Like, the Consul trying to use Gabriel against Charlotte so he can "find proof" and kick her out was such an annoyance. I'm really happy that Consul Wayland's goal was diminished because he was killed and Charlotte became the new Consul (as Will was turned into the new head of the institute) because she deserved that. They both really did.

Something I really wanted to touch upon that I didn't in the earlier reviews was the use of different languages. I'm really happy that Cassandra Clare incorporated the use of different languages in this novel. For example, Jem's mom is from Shanghai and dad is from England, I'm really happy that Jem knew how to speak Mandarin and taught Tessa throughout their engagement. I loved that he talked to her in his Native language and she was learning to understand certain phrases. I loved that Will did the same but with Welsh. I really loved that element because it really humanized these characters, if
that makes sense. It didn't make them seem like regular, English speaking characters, but it allowed them to stick to their cultures they were based in.

I also really love how all these series' are tied together. Like how in this book, we see Magnus and Henry create the portal for the first time which Clary and Jace use in City of Bones or City of Ashes (one of the two, I can't really remember lol). I love how in the Epilogue, Jem mentions the new generation of Fairchilds, Lightwoods and Herondales (referring to Jace, Clary, Alec and Izzy) to Tessa. It truly gives you such excitement and extends your love for this series. Because you get to see different characters grows and families expand.

I'm so sad this series is all over, but I'm super excited to see Tessa and Will in the future series Cassie is coming out with, and I'm excited to dive into the rest of the Shadowhunter world!

What Shadowhunter series do you like most? Let me know in the comment or on my Instagram, I'd love to know!

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