How I Take Stickers Off Of Books - Jess' Book Advice


It's been a little while since I've written any of my book advice blog posts - and some of my readers probably have no idea that I have this segment.

Because I'm nosy but also quite observant, I like to see what other people in the community are curious about; or even need advice on. That's when I decided to make these kinds of posts. I don't have very many and it's been over a year since I've written them so I thought I'd bring them back and rebuild this segment; mainly also because I have a whole list of things I could write advice for. 

If you want to read some of my previous posts, you can search them up at the top right of my blog via web browser, but if you're lazy like myself, I'll link them all here: Where to Get Signed Books, Where to Find Cheap Books, How I Write My Reviews, How to Find Time To Read More. (Please keep in mind theses were published over a year ago when I was still getting in the hang of blogging lol) 

Something I've noticed people as a lot is how to take off stickers from a book without the sticky residue. I mean, have you ever been so excited to read a book that you just purchased but first, really wanted to take off the sticker that's been bothering you? So once you get around to taking the sticker off, there's sticky residue and even worse, some parts of the sticker still stuck to the book. And no matter how hard you try and pick it at, it doesn't come off. 

Well first of all, you wouldn't have this problem if you shopped at Indigo *winky face* and I'm not saying that because I work there and am a blog affiliate, but because the stickers peel off so smoothly. But, if you aren't able to purchase from the wonderful Indigo, then I suppose this blog post is for you.

(I wanted to just say that this isn't a step by step how-to; but more so but what I do and hopefully, if you try it out, it'll help you guys as well.)

Firstly, I start off by gathering all the things I need for this sticker removal process. That includes a blow dryer, a tissue and lemon essential oil. Now, I know that if you don't have lemon essential oil, eucalyptus works just as well!

The first and most importantly, the main step, is to plug in your blow dryer and run the heat over the sticker for a couple of seconds. I like to keep my blow dryer on medium heat and hold it over the sticker for around 15-30 second intervals.

The blow dryer will eventually melt the glue adhesive that is sticking to your book and will make it easier to peel. It's important that you melt the sticker enough where the the sticker peels in one motion, but also remember not to melt it so much that the process becomes incredibly messy.

For that aspect, I don't have a distinctive time or sign in which the sticker is ready; you'll have to use your intuition and figure out when you think is the perfect time to peel the sticker off.

For myself, I usually run the blow dryer over the sticker for about 60 seconds in 15-30 second intervals although, if the sticker seems to be stubborn, I'll usually do it for longer.

Eventually, the sticker will peel off easily and hopefully, the blow dryer will be your last step.

Now, I find that sometimes, I melt and peel at the wrong times and although the sticker comes off completely in one peel, there will be a little bit of sticky residue on my book. That's when the lemon essential oil comes in.

Usually, I'd just put a couple of drops on my cotton ball then gently rub it over the sticky areas to remove it. I find that it works very similarly to a lysol wipe and will remove all the sticky patches around my book. Don't forget to wipe your book dry afterwards, or else your book will end up greasy.

 And that's my short but useful way of removing stickers off of books!

If you guys end up trying out my little tactics, I'd love to know how it worked out for you guys too!

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