It's Better Late Than Never.. - April OwlCrate Unboxing


I know what you guys are thinking by just looking at the title. Yes, I am months late from this unboxing, haha whoopsies.

I had already written this post but I never ended up posting this because I went on hiatus -- where I also decided to rebrand everything, shortly after. But I asked on Instagram if you guys still wanted to see it and majority of you all said yes, so here we are!

I've been meaning to dive into more blog post topics other than reviews, as you guys can probably tell, and I've decided I really want to start getting into book box reviews as well.

I decided to purchase my first book subscription box (kinda, because I used to get comic ones a couple years back lol) and review it for you.

This was my first time buying an OwlCrate box. I see them often on my feed but I've never really been interested until recently. The only reason why I'm never really interested in subscription boxes is because you do get random items for random book series and sometimes, you aren't a fan of all of them.

The purpose of these reviews is to give you guys my opinion on the box, my first impressions, and whether or not I think the products are worth it.

With that being said, let's get into my review of my very first OwlCrate box!

Like I said above, I got the April 2019 box which the theme was The Dark Side.

For starters, what really drew me to this box was the fact that April's theme was based on YA villains, whom I love the most. I believe OwlCrate said there would be items based on books like Throne of Glass, Shadow and Bone, Six of Crows and something Schwab related; which I'm a fan of all of them so I decided to go for this one.

I wanted to mention that I do live in Canada, so for the box and shipping, I believe I paid roughly $50 and it arrived in a fair amount of time; probably a week to a week and a half since I got the shipping notice.

When I purchased this box, I wasn't really sure what to expect. Like I said, I've only really received comic-related boxes in the past and I was honestly quite pleased with them because the themes weren't so generalized.

I had previously received a Doctor Strange box that included all things Doctor Strange (from mugs, to Funko Vinyls, to shirts, etc.) and I've also received a general Marvel box (which again, I received comics, and collectibles). But because this box is so broad, I wasn't sure what to expect.

The first thing I pulled out was this purple scarf which is themed after The Darkling from the Grisha Verse by Leigh Bardugo. I'm pretty sure OwlCrate had given a little spoiler for this on their story, so I knew that this was going to be in the box. I don't typically wear scarves that are themed/have print on them but I was really excited to use this for photos -- although, I realized I haven't yet. 

The next thing that was in this box is this piece of cloth, which is a map from The Wicked Saints from Emily A Duncan. When I first pulled it out, I really thought this was a handkerchief, but I was informed by a follower shortly after that it's a mini tapestry. Personally, I was the most confused for this item, because I didn't end up using it that way. I also think of the huge wall tapestries when I think of tapestries in general, so I was very confused.

The third thing I saw in the box was a snippet of Finale by Stephanie Garber. This, I was incredibly excited for because the Caraval trilogy is one of my favourites, if you guys didn't know. I have never received samplers just yet so I was excited when I saw this! 

Another thing I was really excited for was these Six of Crow socks! Six of Crows is one of my favourite duologies so when I saw this, I was excited. I don't seem to wear a lot of fancy socks (I'm really a plain white sock kinda gal) but I have tried this on around the house and I do love them. I always have to hide them from my sister's dog though because he loves to steal these.

The next thing in the box is this pop socket that is themed around VE/Victoria Schwab's Vicious series. I personally haven't read it yet but when I saw this, I was excited. I was looking for a pop socket for a while now, but Schwab is also one of my favourite writers, so I was so happy to get my hands on this! I did end up putting this on my phone case when I upgraded phones shortly after and it didn't last as long as the pop socket brand, unfortunately. I think I only had it on my phone for about a week until it kept falling off so I was a little bit disappointed.

The next thing in the box was a Throne of Glass inspired notebook. This notebook is more like a notepad where the book opens up from the top instead of the side. I also don't usually use notebooks as I write everything on my iPad with my Apple Pencil but I did think this was really pretty and would definitely use this as props for photos.

I believe OwlCrate always includes a pin as well, so this was the pin for the month of April. I believe it's themed around this month's book but I could definitely be wrong. I don't really collect pins though; mainly because shipping to Canada is so expensive, so I wasn't really phased to see this either.

To go with the pin, OwlCrate also provided this banner to keep all your pins on, but again, it wasn't useful for me so I wasn't really phased.

The last thing that came in the box is the book of the month and of course, it's Wicked Saints by Emily A Duncan. I was actually really excited for this because I was eyeballing this book at work a couple of days previous to my unboxing. The OwlCrate edition has a black cover opposed to the white and I honestly prefer this cover way more! It also includes a letter written by the author which I also thought was really cool.

So with all these products and with how much I've paid, do I think OwlCrate is worth it?

Yes and no. Yes because for $50, you get so much stuff that are probably worth much more than $50. The book it itself it probably $25. So I do think money-wise, it's definitely worth it.

However, for someone like myself who look for specific things in boxes, I don't think it's worth it. Only because I expected more collectibles, prints, and maybe even mugs. I know for a fact that most of the things I received in this box will be sitting in my prop box for a while because I won't use it.

I know that OwlCrate changes the king of items you receive in every box so I am really excited to see what they include in the future, though.

What book subscription would you like me to unbox next? Let me know down in the comments or on my Instagram!

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