I've Been Waiting So Long Just To Do This! - TMI vs TID


Happy Monday friends!

I'm back with more tag posts because I love doing them and you all seem to love reading them. 

For a while now, I really wanted to do emmmabooks' Shadowhunter tags (TMI vs TID and TMI vs TID vs TDA). If you aren't aware by now, I love the Shadowhunter world and always love diving into this world whenever I can.

I decided to do The Mortal Instruments vs. The Infernal Devices because they are the only two series I've read so far; although I am slowly getting through the first book of The Dark Artifices because I want to catch up before Chain of Gold comes out next year!

If you want to watch Emma's original video, the link will be here. With that being said, let's see which one I prefer better. (Although I think I know which one it is already and I think you guys know too lol)

Favourite Main Character: Clary or Tessa?

So I bet you all know how I felt about Clary during the first three The Mortal Instruments books, so I'll definitely have to say Tessa. I feel like I loved her character right from the start and she will definitely be one of my favourite female YA characters.

Favourite Herondale: Jace or Will?

Oh the Herondale boys. I end up loving any Herondale Cassie Clare writes, but you all know how much I love Will.

Favourite Love Triangle: Simon, Jace and Clary or Will, Jem and Tessa?

I personally didn't see Simon, Jace and Clary as a love triangle, whereas I was stuck on who Tessa should have ended up with so I'd say Will, Jem and Tessa are the better love triangle.

Favourite Villain: Sebastian or The Magister?

As much as I enjoyed The Magister's character, I didn't seem to hate him as much as I hated Sebastian. And I loved to hate Sebastian. I thought he was a very complex and dark villain so for this one, I'd give TMI a point.

Better Army: The Clockwork Army or The Dark Army?

If I'm being honest, both were quite terrifying. The Clockwork Army were terrifying because they were animatronics built to kill but I'm going to have to say The Dark Army for this one. Only because they're Shadowhunters themselves against the system and rules. "It really be your own people" 

Better First Book: City of Bones or Clockwork Angel?

Clockwork Angel, hands down. I feel like because City of Bones was Cassandra Clare's first book, there was a lot of things lacking and it wasn't as well written or entertaining as Clockwork Angel in my opinion.

Favourite Female Sidekick: Isabelle Lightwood or Cecily Herondale?

I personally really love both characters, but I feel like Izzy can take the throne for this one. Only because she was in all 6 books whereas Cecily was only really in one.

Better Setting: The New York Institute or The London Institute?

I absolutely love both institutes. But I agree when I say as much as I'd love to live in The London Institute, The New York one seems to be more dated and technologically advance. It's also the first institute we are introduced to so it's easier to become attached to it.

Favourite Last Book in the Series: City of Heavenly Fire or Clockwork Princess?

To be honest, City of Heavenly Fire was an amazing last book. Not saying that Clockwork Princess wasn't because I do think it was just as good; I just feel like the suspense was built and I loved every moment of it. Clockwork Princess was a good ending but not a great ending in my opinion; a lot fell short for me and I think it's my least favourite book of the trilogy.

Better Epilogue: City of Heavenly Fire or Clockwork Princess?

Both epilogues are amazing. Although, I really have to give it to Clockwork Princess for this one. I really sobbed while reading it and I was quite satisfied with the epilogue itself. (I can't wait for Chain of Gold because of it!!)

Tallying up all my answers, I'm really surprised it's a tie!

The first three books from The Mortal Instruments series wasn't the greatest in my opinion in comparison to all of The Infernal Devices but I do admit that it picks up in the last three books!

I'm really vocal about how much I love The Infernal Devices so I'm really surprised that it was tied for me!

Take the little this or that quiz and let me know which one won for you: The Mortal Instruments or The Infernal Devices!

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