Did I Think IT Chapter 2 Was Worth It? - IT Chapter 2 Movie Review (Spoilers)


Hey, hi, hello!

It's been a while, hasn't it? 

Before I get into my actual movie review, I thought I would give you a little update on how my life has been. I've been making a lot of changes to my lifestyle lately and have been trying to work out what works best for me and how I can balance work, blogging, reading and leisure. 

I've been struggling to find balance for a while now and although I seem to have figured out ways, it just never ends up working out for me because I'm stubborn and I want to get everything done at once, to the point where I get so exhausted and drained; therefore making me lose interests in everything until I find something to give me a new motivational boost.

I don't want to keep being super active at one point then disappearing again for another because I really do want to be consistent and so I think I've found a way that can help me do all things I want/need to throughout the week!

I've decided to make a little posting schedule on my blog which was something I was previously against, for a while! 

Originally, I just wanted to get all the content I could out at once and although I did successfully at some points in having this blog, it didn't consistently work for me because I was so drained from pushing myself to write all the time; every day.

My new posting schedule will now be every Monday, and Wednesday which will give me time to write the blog posts I want to but don't feel obligated to rush them and will give me more time to pre-write and schedule posts. 

I'm also working on a couple of other personal things like sleep (which I've had horrid insomnia for maybe 10 or 11 months now - I've been sleeping a lot better lately so hopefully it stays the same), and eating healthier so hopefully I'll gain a lot more energy and motivation!

So yeah, apologies for that long intro; I really wanted to get that whole update out of the way! 

With all that being said, let's get into my review of IT: Chapter 2!

As you can all guess, IT: Chapter 2 was probably my most anticipated movie to come out because hi, I'm IT trash as most would say. 

I was incredibly worried about what I would think about the movie because there were a couple of things that really drew me away, almost.

For starters, when they had announced the older Loser's Club, I'll admit I was a little iffy. I think the only people I was really excited for were, probably, the people who were playing the older versions of Bill, Ben and Eddie (James McAvoy, Jay Ryan and James Ransome) but other than that, I wasn't the most excited about casting.

Although, I was excited all over again when they released the teaser clip and the trailer; I was again, pretty hesitant when the critiques reviews were released because they were mostly negative.

Rest assured, I ended up watching it with my boyfriend, my sister and her boyfriend for my birthday and I'm really glad we did. I loved that movie with my whole heart!

As a huge IT and Stephen King fan, I was very much so satisfied with this movie. The casting was amazing (yes, all of them), the pacing was great, the scenes and fears/monsters were incredible and honestly, I want to watch it as much as I've watched the first part of IT - which is exactly 49 times.

After we had watched the whole movie and my boyfriend and I were sitting in the car, talking about it, he did mention something that I 10000% agree with and that is, the fact that IT: Chapter 2 did not feel like it was a separate movie from the first one.

The intro to this movie serves as a great conversion scene per se from the end of the last one. Which, in all honesty, both Georgie's and Adrien's deaths were part of the beginning of the book anyways so I think it was perfect that director Andy Muschietti decided both those death scenes would be the introduction to both movies.

But going back to what my boyfriend was saying, it gives me a lot of the 1990's miniseries vibes in which these two movies could potentially have been a miniseries like the previous one because it felt as if it was. It was consistent and the constant flashbacks between adult to children was brilliant. To be honest, if you ever decide to have an IT marathon and decide to watch these two movies back to back, it would feel like watching a whole 5 hour movie and I'm all for it. 

When I watched people's reviews or heard them talk about the new IT movie, one thing I had consistently heard from a handful of people was that the pacing was a little off; meaning that some parts were really good and gripping but some parts were really slow. Although, I wasn't too worried about this only because a couple of my favourite Stephen King bookstagrammers that I really trust with their reviews on books and movies have all stated that they loved it so I was confident I would too.

When I went into the theatres and watched the movie, I didn't want to leave. If my boyfriend was down for it, I would've bought a ticket for each of the remaining shows that day and watched it over and over again. I thought the pacing for me, was great. I didn't see any slow parts and I loved watching everything unfold within the whole almost 3 hours. 

The "scare scenes" or fear scenes were brilliant! I loved that we got double the scare from the last movie! The Paul Bunyan scene was probably my favourite because it's one of my favourites in the book so I was really happy that they finally incorporated it.

As for casting, I thought they did they a great job! If you put the young cast and the old cast side-by-side, they look exactly like their counter part! I personally think Bill Hader was the best - and I'm sure everyone else thought that as well.

I know a lot of people were a little iffy when they heard that IT's origin story would somehow be incorporated in the newest movie, but I was all for it. Although we didn't get the incorporation of the turtle, the storyline with Mike introducing this Ritual of Chud to everyone was a very interesting concept and a nice little spin from the book - especially because Mike was the only person to stay in Derry.

The only thing that bothered me about this concept is that it was introduced, but wasn't a way to defeat It. I suppose it's somewhat like the book, a little less prominent idea, but I wished it played a major part. To me, it kind of felt like the ritual was added for the book fans that didn't get this concept in the 1990's series, but it was dismissed quickly throughout the movie. I only say that because it was mentioned at the beginning of the movie as an important aspect, but at the end of the movie, the Loser's Club didn't defeat IT with the ritual, but by bullying him (you'll see a lot of memes based on this concept lol).

I really wished they played the ritual out more and the bullying aspect a little less because it didn't feel necessary adding it if it wasn't a staple idea.

I was also a little disappointed to see less of adult Henry Bowers, although I know he isn't as prominent as an adult as he was a kid. And there's also so much you can put throughout this movie.

Another thing, I wasn't a huge fan of was the inconsistencies throughout the movie. My coworker brought this up to me at work one day, and I didn't realize it as much as I should've. It's mainly how Pennywise would react to the kids throughout the movie, but it's been a while since I've watched the movie to give you guys an actual example.

Regardless, I really enjoyed the movie and can't wait until it's on digital so I can re-watch it as much as I'd like. I think the whole entire cast did amazing; whether it was the young Loser's Club, the older Loser's Club or Bill Skarsgard as Pennywise and I'm sad this franchise could potentially be over.

There is a lot of talk on possibly making a prequel movie which shows more of IT's origins and dives a little into all of Ben's investigating, but we'll see if that idea actually unfolds.

Overall, I'm really pleased with the past two movies and I can't wait to binge them like my life depends on it.

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