Why Didn't I Read This Sooner?! - Shatter Me Review (Spoilers)


Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

Shatter Me follows our main character Juliette who has an extraordinary gift -- or superpower: she has has a lethal touch. Her parents gave her away, and she's been locked up for almost a year. The world is crumbling and The Reestablishment believes Juliette's touch will be perfect for the awaited war. But does Juliette want to use her powers for good, or bad?

I don't even know where to start with this review.

I guess I want to start off by saying how amazing this plot is! I know this book has been around for a while and so many people have been a fan of the series way before I even decided to join the book community, but wow, I'm hooked! 

The whole storyline of Juliette having this lethal touch has always been quite interesting to me. And I love how it portrays how her powers affect other humans throughout the novel as well.

One of my favourite aspects of Shatter Me is Tahereh Mafi's ability to distribute information consistently throughout the novel. I know, with dystopian and fantasy especially, it's really hard not to info dump things like world building and character structure, but Tahereh Mafi did an amazing job with leaving the reader wanting more.

To this day, we don't really know why Juliette has these powers anyways and I really like that, for some reason. It really made it difficult for me to put the book down. 

I had originally started this book at the end of February, but put it down for a little while, not because it was bad or anything, but because I wanted to read other books in the meantime. But once I picked the book back up, it was so hard for me to put it back down. I also noticed that this book is really fast paced and grips you, hard.

(I also started annotating this book, but decided not to continue somewhere at the beginning because the book was getting so good and I didn't want to continue putting in the effort. Maybe next time when I re-read this, I'll finish annotating it!)

I had so many instances where I forgot I was even reading the novel. It felt like I was with Juliette through this journey of her leaving The Reestablishment, meeting James for the first time, trying to flea Adam's apartment. It all felt so realistic and vivid.

Speaking of Juliette, I loved her character. I know a lot of people didn't and at the beginning, especially, I can see that. But the more you get to know Juliette and realize what she's been through, you understand her lack of trust for people, let alone her inability to communicate at the beginning.

I also really liked Adam's character and really ship Juliette and Adam hard. I know so many OG Shatter Me fans are shaking their heads right now, but come on, I'm only on book one! I think Adam and his little brother, James' relationship is really cute as well. I loved reading scenes with James in it; his innocents and enthusiasm towards life made me so happy. 

Kenji is another character you all said I would love and look at that, I do! He brought so much comic relief and literally had me laughing out loud. If you've read the Percy Jackson books, he reminds me of Rover. (Is that good grammar? Who knows lol) They have very similar personalities and I loved that.

Warner was a really creepy character to me. How he wanted Juliette to automatically fall in love with him and everything. (I know everyone who already loves Shatter Me is laughing because I'm pretty sure the whole fandom ships him and Juliette so hard, but again, I'm only on book one.) The scene that especially creeped me out was when Kenji, James, Adam and Juliette are trying to flee Adam's old apartment and Warner tries to seduce Juliette as Adam is bleeding out on the floor somewhere. Whenever he whispers anything, I find it really creepy and cringy. If I'm going to ship them, I hope he gets better as a character -- just saying.

The ending is definitely what tops the cake for me. Not only do we actually get a suspenseful climax, but the ending was great. I loved the whole idea of Omega Point and the fact that Juliette has a place to be safe (alongside Adam and James) where there are kids who also have superpowers like her, makes me incredibly happy. At first, it reminded me a lot like Camp Half-Blood, until I really thought about it. The whole idea of Omega Point reminds me of X-Men and I love it. I love X-Men, it's probably my favourite Marvel comic so I'm down for this.

I cannot wait to dive into the next coming books soon!

If you were to have any superpower, what would it be? Let me know in the comments or on my Instagram! 

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