I Had To! He's One Of My Fave Superheroes - Miles Morales Review


Miles Morales by Jason Reynolds

Based on Miles Morales from the Marvel comics, this book follows Miles as he notices his spidey-senses are "fading" which leads to his suspension at school. Miles then begins to question his abilities and whether he deserves to posses them; after all, he's the son/nephew of the well-known Brooklyn criminals.

I love Miles Morales. He's my favourite version of Spider-Man and has always been. My boyfriend always goes off on me about this because he's always like "Peter Parker for life!" but I don't know, when I found out about Miles a couple of years ago, I fell in love with the whole diverse character element and he's been my fave since. 

When I found out Jason Reynolds wrote a book based on Miles, I was excited, but never ended up purchasing it until maybe a year ago. And I didn't end up picking this book up until I watched Into The Spider-Verse (which is so good by the way, and you all should watch it if you're a huge comic or Spidey fan). 

This book was really good. It's my first superhero-based book so far (I think - I have the Black Widow novel, but haven't read it yet) so the number one thing I really was expecting was an origin story. It's what I would've assumed would occur in a novel for some reason.

And I'll have to say, this book definitely isn't an origin story. It actually just revolves around Miles' journey, trying to find out why his Spidey-Senses are lacking. But, don't fret, if you aren't too familiar with Miles Morales and his backstory, this novel does a very generalized overview throughout the book of how he came to be Spider-Man.

It even talked about his Uncle Aaron who is also part of the Spider-Verse, for those who don't read the Miles' comics. He's mostly known for being the Prowler. It talks a lot about their relationship and how Miles' dad wasn't a huge fan of it because Miles' dad and Aaron were well-known criminals in the area until Miles' dad met his wife and decided to turn his life around. Miles' dad didn't want Miles to turn out the same, so he and Miles' mother tried their best to keep Miles distant from his uncle.

I know one of the main things everyone is curious about is how accurate this book is with the book and I'd say it does a pretty good job. I've only read a couple of the Miles Morales comics so I can't say for sure, but I believe a lot of this stuff are pretty accurate or similar to being accurate.

One of my favourite things about this novel is how Jason Reynolds portrays each of the characters and how they stay true to their personalities in the comics. Miles' mom is over-protective, his dad, a little hard on him, but out of love. And Genke, hilarious as always. 

Actually, one of my favourite parts from this book is probably how well Reynolds portrays Genke, himself. He's know to be quite nerdy and hilarious (almost like Ned from the new Spider-Man movie which is based on Genke) and he does an amazing job making him the way that he is. I was laughing a lot because of how well his personality was written on the page.

There's also a scene at the beginning of the book (which isn't a spoiler as it has nothing to do with the plot, so don't worry) where Miles' dad keeps smart talking Genke, who eats at their home every weekend, although he isn't a fan about it and I couldn't stop laughing at all of the remarks.

I've heard a lot of people say that this book has absolutely no plot and I'd have to disagree to a certain extent. There actually is a plot to this novel, it's there. But it's incredibly slow throughout the book which can definitely be mistaken as no plot at all. That's just something to be prepared with when reading this book.

I've heard a lot of people say that there weren't really answers for a lot of things and I can see that. It did feel like there were a fair amount of loose ends when it came to the book, but I feel like it didn't phase me as much as I thought it should've.

It's my first Reynolds book I didn't really know what to expect when it came to his writing, but I kind of, really enjoyed this. It was a short novel and I was able to finish it within a day, thankfully and it's been quite nice.

I love reading anything about Miles, so I was pretty content with this novel. Although, I don't really see myself reading it as often as my favourite books like Throne of Glass, Shatter Me of After, but I can admit it's still pretty good.

If you'd like to purchase your own copy of Miles Morales, click here to get your own copy of Book Depository! (I receive commission) 

What do you guys think? Are you a huge fan of Superhero-based novel? What's your favourite one? Let me know in the comments section below or on my Instagram!

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