Two Months Worth of Wrap Ups! - July and August Reading Wrap Up


I know what you're thinking: Jessica, why didn't you post a July Wrap Up at the beginning of August?

Well, I didn't post one because I didn't find a point to it. I barely read anything in July because I was in such a creative slump that I figured this post would be more eventful if I added the two months together. 

I read about 13 books in the two months combined which is still a good number for two, although, I wished it was the amount of only one month.

Regardless, I am very happy and exited with the reads I have read in these two months.

With that being said, Let's get into my July and August Wrap Ups.

July Wrap Up

Different Seasons by Stephen King

Different Seasons is one of King's more well-known novella/short story collections because it includes some of his best novel based adaptaions like The Body which is the basis of Stand By Me, and Shawshank Redemption. A lot of you have recommended this to me and fortunately I've finally gotten to it!

Finders Keepers by Stephen King

For those who don't know, I read Mr. Mercedes which was the first book in the Bill Hodges Trilogy a month prior and thought I'd finish the rest of the trilogy -- since that is what most King readers have suggested to do before reading King's newest book: The Outsider. I finally dived into the second book: Finders Keepers in the month of July and loved it.

End of Watch by Stephen King 

To go along with Finders Keepers, I read the final book in the Bill Hodges Trilogy: End of Watch in July as well. I personally also loved it and thought it was a perfect conclusion to the trilogy. I think I read this book on the last week of July and binged the book in a couple of hours.

Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

As you could previous sense a theme, I read a lot of Stephen King books in the month of July -- and even more in August. I wanted more of a variety when it came to my Wrap Up, so I obviously read this to spice things up a little. My sister gave me her old copies of the Hush Hush series and it's been sitting in my library since 2016. I thought I'd finally start the series off in July.

Trick 'r Treat: Days of the Dead by Michael Dougherty

The last book I read in July was a graphic novel. For those who don't know, I am a huge horror fan; I love horror films, especially the classic ones. Trick 'r Treat is one of my favourite horror movies as Sam is one of my favourite horror icons, so when I found out the creator also made a graphic novel companion to the movie, I couldn't pass it up!

August Wrap Up

Meddling Kids by Edgar Cantero

Going into the books I read in August, Meddling Kids was the first one I read. I went to the bookstore late July and saw this book right about King's novels. I remember seeing the cover everywhere and having great interest in it, but didn't actually pick it up until I was at the store that day. I think I read this book in about a day or two and thought it was a great read!

Misery by Stephen King

Here's where the endless amounts of King books come back in! Believe it or not, I haven't read one of Stephen King's most iconic novels: Misery yet and thought, since I was able to land a first edition hardcover, minus well read it. I genuinely enjoyed it though and I cannot wait to write my review for you lovelies soon!

The Stand by Stephen King

As you can tell, I've had quite a Stephen King reading month especially this month where I was able to devour this 100+ paged beast while reading seven other books alongside. The Stand was one of the most intimidating books for me, even though it's roughly the same as IT which I finished in a couple of days. I think it was mainly because I had no idea what it was about. But I finally got a Mass Market Paperback copy -- mainly because I didn't want to read from my old King edition and might I say, I loved it.

The Outsider by Stephen King

Because I had finished the Bill Hodges Trilogy the previous month and have anticipated this new King release since it came out, I thought it was finally time to dive into The Outsider by Stephen King. It was definitely something I didn't expect but I did absolutely love this read as well.

Dear Evan Hansen by Val Emmich (and more)

I do get sent Advance Reader Copies from publishers time to time and I finally got my fall releases from Hatchette Book Group. One of the books included was Dear Evan Hansen, a novel based on the hit musical which I am incredibly obsessed with the soundtrack. When I saw this in the mail, I automatically had to read it. I still have to watch the musical as it doesn't come out in Toronto until March of 2019, but it was still quite enjoyable.

A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E Schwab

A Darker Shade of Magic was one of the books I bought a while back and it just sat on my bookshelf. I did enjoy This Savage Song by the same writer and have seen a lot of A Darker Shade of Magic fanart recently that I finally got myself to read this book. If you follow my Instagram, which most of you do, I became obsessed with this series and the characters. I can't wait to write a review for this as well.

Being Me With OCD by Alison Dotson

I have has such crappy mental illness days lately, most of it being devoured by my OCD and thought I'd read about other people's experiences since I don't know anyone else with this mental illness. I looked through a lot of OCD based books and this one caught my eye unexpectedly on Instagram.  I decided to give it a read in August and it was definitely very eye-opening.

Notes From The Upside Down by Guy Adams 

The last book I read in August was Notes From The Upside Down, which is an unofficial information/companion novel to Stranger Things. I am absolutely obsessed with Stranger Things; it's one of my favourite shows at the moment. Originally, I bought this book to put on my Stranger Things shelf but couldn't help myself when I flipped through and saw a whole section for Stephen King and how he inspired the show. From there, I picked up the book.

And there you have it, all the books I read in July and August. I know for most of you, this seems like a lot but to me, this doesn't seem like a lot of reading. 

I was in a huge reading slump in July so I wasn't able to read as much as I wanted but 13 books for two months isn't so bad! I think I have less than 10 books left until I'm finally at my 2018 Reading Goal!

I'd love to know how many books you have all read in the month of July AND August! 

Let me know in the comments section below or on my Instagram! 

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