I Couldn't Resist - Avengers Book Tag


You guys know how much I love my book tags; obviously by the amount of tags I put out there. 

If you follow me on Instagram, you'd also know how obsessed I am with Marvel as well, especially with the Marvel Cinematic Universe -- trust me, I think Instagram is annoyed with me talking about the MCU 24/7. 

When I saw this and a Guardians of the Galaxy tag, I automatically had to hop on.

This tag was created by YA By The Way on Youtube and if you would like to see her video, click here.

With that being said, here's my answers for the Avengers Book tag!


Iron Man - Favourite first book in a series.

Hulk - A book that you can't talk about because it would make you angry.

Captain America - A book that takes place in World War II.

Thor - A book based on mythology of any kind.

Black Widow - A side character you wish would get their own movie, or book.

Hawkeye - A book you love, but everyone seems to dislike.

Nick Fury - A character with a ton of sass.

Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch - A book with a great sibling relationship.

Phil Coulson - A book you wish would be adapted for the big (or small) screen.

Loki - A villain you can't help but love.

BONUS: Ant Man - The next book on your TBR.

Iron Man - Favourite first book in a series.

It's really hard to pick a favourite first book in a series for me as I have a ton, but the number one book that stands out to me at the moment is The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. It might be because I just recently read the book, but this first book in the Stormlight Archives seriously blew me away.

Hulk - A book that you can't talk about because it would make you angry.

This one was a hard choice because I don't think I've really disliked a book to the point where I don't want to talk about it - except for Switched by Amanda Hocking. It annoyed me at the age of what, 15. And five years later, I still cannot stand it.

Captain America - A book that takes place in World War II.

I don't think I've actually read any book that takes place in World War II yet, I can only think of Outlander although I'm not 100% sure it takes place in this era, it might have taken place before or a little after. But regardless of my uncertainty, I'm going to go with Outlander anyways.

Thor - A book based on mythology of any kind.

You guys know how much I love Thor, and mythology of any kind so this question was super easy to pick an answer to. Of course, I'm going to pick my go-to The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan because not only did this book introduce me to the lovely demi-god world Riordan has created, but also feeds off my inital mythology love.

Black Widow - A side character you wish would get their own movie, or book.

This was also incredibly hard to choose since I have so many characters I seem to love, but for this, I'd love to see a spin-off series of Sevro from Red Rising by Pierce Brown. Sevro is one of my favourite characters and I'd love to see more of his journey overall.

Hawkeye - A book you love, but everyone seems to dislike.

This choice was kind of hard for me to pick because I don't really think I like anything that everyone seems to hate. The only thing that comes to my mind is the A Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J Maas since there has been a lot of controversy with SJM and I know a lot of people are uncomfortable with the love interests being between a human and a fae. But this series also has a large following alongside a large amount of people who dislike the series.

Nick Fury - A character with a ton of sass.

Oh do I love my sassy characters! When I hear sassy characters, I automatically think of Celaena Sardothian from the Throne of Glass series, also by Sarah J Maas. The way she talks towards most people, her sassy, smart-ass remarks makes her one of my favourite characters.

Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch - A book with a great sibling relationship.

It was really hard for me to pick a sibling relationship at first - until I remembered Bill and Georgie Denbrough from Stephen King's IT. I think everyone knows how much I love this duo, even though there isn't a lot of scenes between the two for obvious reasons, they did sound like true brothers whom loved each other very much.

Phil Coulson - A book you wish would be adapted for the big (or small) screen.

Can I honestly say none? Because once a book is adapted, I feel like for the most part, it doesn't do the book justice. 

Loki - A villain you can't help but love.

Hands down, Tak from Desperation by Stephen King is my favourite villian. Alongside, Pennywise from IT and Randall Flagg from The Stand. What can I say, Stephen King makes the absolute best villains.

BONUS: Ant Man - The next book on your TBR.

How could I skip this bonus question when I have an ever growing TBR. First, TBR stands for To Be Read, meaning all the books you plan on reading. The next book I definitely want to read is Miles Morales by Jason Reynolds.

And with that, there are my answers for the Avengers tag!

I'd love to know, if you could have any superpower, what would it be? Let me know in the comments below or on my Instagram page!

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