The Trilogy Gets Better! - Finders Keepers Review


Finders Keepers by Stephen King

Finders Keepers is the second book in the Bill Hodges Trilogy by Stephen King which follow our same group of detectives: Bill, Holly and Jerome with a few additional characters. Following the event of a robbery - not necessarily for money, but for vengeance as an author hasn't published a new instalment in one of his most infamous books, Morris Bellamy is livid as he kills the author and steals not only the money but written work as well. Morris hides the money and notebooks as he's locked away. Not until decades later, a new family finds this "treasure" and it's up the infamous trio to save them as Morris is released from jail.

Way before I actually read Finders Keepers, before I even purchased the book, I knew this one would be my favourite of the three.

And I was absolutely right.

I personally feel like out of the three books - with partially separate plots, Finders Keepers would appeal to me the most.

I always seem to love books written around authors or booknerds as characters because I seem to relate often - I mean, not really with getting killed for my work - and even get inspired to add their own attributes into my own characters as well.

Right off the bat, from what I've noticed is that the plot is quite different from the previous book. Theres a completely new case and doesn't necessarily pick off right when Mr. Mercedes ended. 

There are some brief connections to the previous book which I really enjoyed but the plot itself doesn't necessarily pick up from the last book.

Typically with book series, it feels like the second, third, fourth, etc. books pick up after the last one making it one big plot with little plots between the books and perhaps you could say the same about this trilogy but I didn't really feel that way.

Instead of the whole series having one big plot and each individual book has it's own separate plots, it felt like the complete opposite where the whole series has a smaller plot whilst each individual book had a bigger plot themselves.

Character-wise, I was quite happy with the selection.

I absolutely love Bill, Holly and Jerome so I was happy to see them back.

The other characters though, at first, I wasn't a huge fan. I wanted to keep it exclusively to the detective trio, but once we start getting to know the new characters more and more, I seriously started to love them - especially Pete.

I found Pete to be a very interesting character; semi-angsty, semi-considerate almost. It's hard to wrap my head around this character.

Honestly, he kind of reminded me of Holden from The Catcher in the Rye for some reason; just the personality he possesses gives me a Holden kind of vibe. And hey, I'm not complaining because he's one of my favourite characters of all time.

I also love how much Brady's character is expanding - and I'll get more into it for my review of End of Watch but it was seriously a plot twist I wasn't expecting.

I feel like the writing itself improved a lot - like the plot structure and everything revolving around it. I absolutely loved the new use of new points of view - in a way, but I can also see why some "OG" King fans still aren't impressed by this trilogy so far.

I feel like the Bill Hodges trilogy itself is a lot to take in as it is pretty different from King's original works so it makes sense.

Overall, I loved this book more than the last. I believe out of the trilogy, this one was my favourite.

If you've read Finders Keepers, I'd love to know your thoughts on it! Leave a comment down below or on my Instagram!

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