Thank You!! - Birthday Book Haul


I know this post is a little late since my birthday was in September, but I received a few giftcards and was waiting until I used them all up before I posted a full birthday book haul! Which by the way, I want to thank everyone who has given me a book and/or a giftcard for my birthday! I'm so thankful and I love you all so much!

I haven't done hauls on my blog before which is something really new and exciting for me to post about since I love reading - and watching - book hauls! 

Before I get started, I want to mention that I won't get into the full plots of each of the books as most of them I'm not very sure of. I'll mention what I know and such, but I won't go into full detail; I usually mention the plot at the beginning of each of my book reviews!

I also want to mention that I'm not posting this haul to brag. I'm very thankful for all the books I've gotten and many of my readers ask for a haul.

Birthday Book Haul!

A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Maas 

This is the second book in the A Court of Thorns and Roses trilogy - or series, I'm not really sure yet. Which I have a review of the first book here. If you have not read the series, or don't know what the series is about - where have you been? As I've read all the books published so far, I had only owned the first book prior to my birthday. And for a few months before my birthday, I was saving up for my little birthday vacation with my boyfriend which basically meant I was on a book buying ban. My boyfriend and I thought since I stuck to my book buying ban for a few months and I found this copy for cheap on BookOutlet, why not treat myself as a little early birthday present. 

Tower of Dawn by Sarah J Maas 

This was one of my most anticipated reads of September so I was really happy I got it! Originally, I had pre-ordered Wonder Women by Leigh Bardugo but I decided to cancel my pre-order to get an Indigo Exclusive copy of Tower of Dawn - which was released a few days before my birthday. This edition has all the Throne of Glass characters on the inside of the dusk jacket and is the most recent book in the Throne of Glass series but is solely based on Chaol instead of Aelin/Celaena. As Chaol was one of my least favourite characters, getting into this was definitely very interesting. This is the second and only other book I had bought myself for my birthday - I think.

Divergent by Veronica Roth 

I was given a copy of Divergent by one of my best friends from my book club, Peyton alongside a little Target Exclusive sticker/bookmark/magnet set. She's a huge Divergent fan and was surprised I had never read or seen Divergent - let alone, I have no idea what Divergent is about. So as her way of getting me into this new dystopian world, she decided to get me a copy of the first book in her favourite series.

Heartless by Marissa Meyer 

This is one of the many books I've gotten from my boyfriend for my birthday! During this time - and it still is - The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyers is my favourite series. I love fairytale retellings but I love the fact that Marissa Meyers is known for adding a little sci-fi twist to each of her retellings. My review for the first book in The Lunar Chronicles is here. During the time when my boyfriend bought me this birthday gift (he was avidly asking me questions on what fairytale retellings I didn't have/read.) I was in such a retelling kick, I was reading different YA retellings by different authors and that was basically all I was reading. Although, I haven't read this book by Marissa Meyers yet and I'm not too sure what this book is about; I think it involves The Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland.

Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton 

The second book my boyfriend gave me for my birthday was Rebel of the Sands. I got to choose this book and one other from him. I don't know much about it, I've seen it all over Bookstagram and Booktube as I've heard amazing things from it and since it was only $6, I thought why not. (Note: I was going to buy this for myself but my boyfriend is stubborn and bought it for me instead.) 

A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J Maas

The last book my boyfriend got me for my birthday was the latest instalment in the ACOTAR series. But not the normal copy; he got me the Indigo Exclusive edition which basically has the artwork of some characters on the endpages. I am a sucker for Indigo Exclusives especially when they include artwork so I was super bummed out when I couldn't get my hands on it a few months ago. So happy my boyfriend got this copy for me - I didn't really have a choice though. 

Caraval by Stephanie Garber 

My boyfriend's mom was so nice to get me this book as I really didn't expect her to get me anything. I honestly had no idea what this book was about. All I knew was that it involved some form of carnival and everyone was in love with this book. For the longest time, this book was on my To Be Read list but I never ended up picking it up for some reason. With that being said, I'm super thankful and happy she got it for me! When I post a review, it will be linked here.

The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan 

I received a giftcard to BookOutlet from one of my managers at the publishing company I work at so I bought this book myself! I've loved Rick Riordan's books since I was younger and have a huge fascination for mythology. Eventually I want to own everything written by Rick Riordan but I am slowly but surely accumulating everything. This book follows - I believe - a brother and sister in their journeys to uncovering the world of Egyptian mythology. If you know Rick Riordan's writing; it's basically a mix of modern day and mythology; I cannot wait to get into this.

I believe those were all the books I have received that are Young Adult or Middle Grade for my birthday. The next part is of course my favourite part. And it's the series of Stephen King books I've received - as I received quite a lot. 

Desperation by Stephen King 

Two of my best friends in my book club love Stephen King. And when I told them I wanted to get into his work finally, they both had sent me their favourite Stephen King book. My friend Alisa sent me a copy of Desperation. I don't know too much about the plot itself; I know that it involves a family who's traveling to the town in which I believe is called Desperation and get pulled over by a cop -- or something like that. I do know that it had a companion novel called The Regulators by Richard Bachman (which was Stephen King's alternate writing name when he believed people were only buying his books for his name.) and if you put the covers side by side, they create one huge photo. Regardless, I am very excited to get into this book! 

Dreamcatcher by Stephen King 

The other book I got from my other best friend in my bookclub, Alexandrea is Dreamcatcher. I was very excited to get this book as I heard there's a few hints of Pennywise from IT in this novel. I know this book is also based in Derry like IT is but revolves around extra terrestrial life. A lot of people have told me that this is their least favourite Stephen King novel. I've read a very small portion of this book then put it on hold for another. Hopefully, I'll be able to get to it soon.

IT by Stephen King 

My sister and her boyfriend had given me and giftcard to Chapters/Indigo which is Canada's version of Barnes and Noble. And of course, I had to buy a book right away. During that time, I was just getting into Stephen King and I was obsessed with the movie and miniseries so I thought I should read the book - in which of course I loved! If you haven't read my review yet, here it is! I personally loved it as I bought a second copy in paperback, with the movie adaptation cover to annotate and deface.

Insomnia by Stephen King 

Last of my giftcards, my best friend Caden, also from my book club, gave me a giftcard to Amazon in which I bought four Stephen King books. The first one being Insomnia which she was very happy I bought because she says it's one of her favourite King books. This book basically revolves around a guy who has insomnia - surprise. And at night when he can't sleep, he goes on walks. Every night, he realizes something different about his town and basically investigates. This is one of Stephen King's really popular books so I'm excited to dive into it! 

Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King 

Alongside Insomnia, I also bought Mr. Mercedes with her giftcard. This book is the first book of the Bill Hodges' trilogy. This book is one of King's more recent hyped books so of course I had to get my hands on it. To me, it was more mystery than thriller but I'm excited to get into the rest of the trilogy eventually. I'm currently in the process of writing a review of it, but when I do, I'll link it here.

Revival by Stephen King 

The third book I got with the giftcard Caden gave me was Revival. I don't know much about this book either. But a lot of people have recommended it to me and I got it for a very good price so I thought why not. I've heard a lot of mixed reviews on this book, but I'm still very excited to read it! 

From A Buick 8 by Stephen King 

The last book I got with her giftcard was From A Buick 8! I heard that King's car novels are some of the greatest! This book is very similar to Christine in which it is a horror novel involving a supernatural car. I have yet to read Christine though and plan to do that before diving into this book. But just like Revival, I got it for a very good price and thought why not! 

I believe those were all the books I've received for my birthday. If I missed anything, let me know! 

A little honourable mentioned bookish item I received was the cutest book mug from my Godson and his sister that says Baby Got Books - reffering to Baby Got Back by Sir Mix A lot. So cute and I am super thankful for it!

Again, I'm not bragging. I just think hauls are fun and it's cool to look back on and read in the future! Thank you to everyone who's given me a book for my birthday; it's appreciated! 

Also, if you love book hauls, let me know and I'll post more on my blog! I also do frequent book unboxings on my Instagram stories if you lovelies are interested! 

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