This Made Me Scared Of My Sister's Dog! - Cujo Review


Cujo by Stephen King

Cujo is basically about a Saint Bernard dog who follows a rabbit into a small cave. From there, he gets bit by bats with rabies which then causes anger and pain inside him. This results in the once friendly and loving dog to become a horrid, vicious and - hungry... dog. 

Oh my frick frack! Theres so much to say about this book, I don't know where to start! 

Let's start by saying this was my first completed novel I've read by Stephen King and might I admit it brought such high standards for his work for me. I know a lot of people say that there are other books of his thats is so much better but I'd glad I started with Cujo because my gosh, was it great! 

I don't usually get scared of books - especially at the moment, where I am obsessed with Stephen King - but the realism of this book really creeped me out, especially because my sister just got a dog. I mean, obviously it probably won't happen to him because my sister actually plans to get all his shots done but regardless it was creepy. I just felt like the situation - in a sense - could happen to anyone. 

It's also a very short book with no chapters so I'd say it's a perfect book to get through in one sitting. But before you do, I will warn you that it is pretty graphic - most Stephen King books are, but Stephen King really doesn't hold back on this one. 

Which, speaking of writing style, the writing in this was very interesting. Like mentioned earlier, chapters aren't used in this novel. The book runs on and on which is something I've never read before. I also think the book is so beautifully creepy. It's written very nicely; very wicked and twisted. But what I thought was most mind-blowing was that Stephen King was on the peak of his drug addiction and alcoholism whilst writing this. 

If you read it, you can guess that it could be a possibility by the lack of chapters, seperating situations and the flushed out characters. But I would never guess that was the situation until I found out. Once I put the pieces together, it made sense. But don't get me wrong. It made the novel interesting and great. To me, it made it stand out from the crowd which is what I really liked. 

Would I say this book completely terrified me from all dogs? Nah. Does it freak me out when I see their teeth or when they try to bite? Absolutely. Although, Cujo is a great name to call your own pup when they're being a jerk! As for dog owners, it might scare them enough to be a little overly cautious! 

All in all, I thought it was a great read and a great start to Stephen King and would definitely recommend it!

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