I Didn't Expect That.. - Zarox Review


Zarox by Louis Smith 

Zarox is basically about our main character Parker Reid and his friends who decides to go to the most frightening place in town called the Churn Zone, at night. This sparks a rapid adventure where they face things - and creatures they have never seen before. And although this new world is unfamiliar, it is up to the group of friends to save Zarox from evil.

I was sent a copy of this book by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Wow, how incredible was this book! For a less known book by a fairly new author, this book was so astonishing to me and I felt like it deserved more praise than what it really got. 

When the author asked to send me this book, I had asked what the book was about and all he said was "a Middle Grade book full of adventure." And I realized lately, I haven't been reading Middle Grade as I've been branching out into more adult books. With only this information, I was a little skeptical on whether or not I'd like the book. 

I'm not usually the type who goes into a book without knowing the plot but I'm very happy I did! 

The book itself gave me a mix of Narnia and Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts vibe and I really enjoyed that aspect of it. One of my favourite parts of Zarox was the creatures. For some reason, when unordinary creatures are added to a novel and you get to see the most creative side to the author, it really interests me and kept me wanting to read more.

I also really liked the characters. Like I mentioned in my GoodReads review, I didn't really relate to any of the characters. But perhaps, I just liked reading about them.  It was fun to read about their journey and their reactions and kind of catch a feel of what each character's personality was like. 

The group of friends themselves felt more like an "It group" - the casual brains, bronze and beauty. I also noticed that each characters' personality was different from each other, but together their personalities clashed very well. 

Lucy was my favourite character of the four. I loved her strong female character and I felt like her and Parker were written the best - although they were all pretty amazing characters. 

Writing style was great, I would say. My only problem with this book was that the beginning was a little slow to me. But once you hit around mid book, the plot gets faster and from then, the reader will on the edge for the rest of the book. 

I would say the book is perfect for Middle Grade readers just like it is categorized. If your young one is looking for a science fiction book that will take them on a beautifully fun journey, I would definitely recommend Zarox!

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