Such An Amazing Book! - Caraval Review


Caraval by Stephanie Garber

Caraval follows our main character Scarlett who has grown up on this little, tiny island in which her controlling father owns. Since Scarlett was young, she had written letters to Legend, the creator of the infamous "Caraval." Years pass and just as Scarlett's father sets up an arranged marriage for her, Legend writes back and invites her to a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see Caraval in a island a little ways from her own. Tella, Scarlett's sister, and a cute but mysterious sailor help Scarlett arrive at the event. Until Legend kidnaps Tella, and the game revolves finding Scarlett's sister and finding the truth.

Oh My Cheese Balls! This book was seriously amazing.

I had seen a lot of hype on bookstagram and booktube about Caraval and I love anything involving carnivals and the circus so I definitely had to dive into this book right away! 

Right off the bat, this book was super easy to read. There wasn't a moment where I thought a part of the book was slow. The book itself was very fast paced and detailed. Caraval itself, the land was written so beautifully and well-done that I could easily picture everything in my head. 

As for the characters, in all honesty, I didn't like Scarlett at first. I thought her character from the beginning of the book until about the middle of it, was really annoying. I just felt like she didn't have her mind made up on certain things; one moment she would want something and the next moment she didn't. Her personality is really hard to categorize in itself. But about mid-book, she starts to become easier to like for me.

I think Julian was my favourite character because he felt the most genuine to me. 

Romance-wise, I really wished it was more prominent mid-book until the end rather than just at the end. I felt like the romance aspect fell a little short for me. 

My favourite part was the ending, and if you've read Caraval before, you'd know what I'm talking about. The ending itself felt like that would never be imaginable. I cried near the end, but once the actually ending hit, I was in shock.

Honestly, I think Caraval should have it's own book-to-movie adaption. 

If you want a overly hyped book that is well worth the hype, Caraval is it. 

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