A Little Update - Where I've Been and New Brand Name?!


So it's been quite a while since I've been able to post avidly and I bet a lot of my readers who don't follow me on Instagram have been confused as to where I've been or the changes made to my branding.

I wasn't going to leave you guys in the dark, of course and I had to do this quick little blog post just to explain everything that has been going on.

For starters, I'd like to say hi to those who are new to my blog. I'm Jessica. I am a book blogger from the outskirts of Toronto and I read almost everything but my favourites seem to be Horror/Thriller and Young Adult Fiction. I'm a huge horror junkie and love a good scare. I'm also a huge fan of Stephen King which I bet you've seen from my previous blog posts or just on some of my other social media accounts. I'm also Kpop trash as you'll also see on my social media as I tend to post about them often.

With that little intro out of the way, I thought I'd keep you guys updated with a couple of things.

The first being, where the heck have I been?! 

If you follow me on my other social media accounts, you'll see that I am quite active on them, especially Instagram which I almost always post on my story. If I haven't posted at least once, you should probably be a little concerned. 

But I haven't posted that much on my blog in a little while. I don't really have much of an excuse. Honestly, it's just that my Macbook's battery had died and needed to be changed. (This has been an ongoing thing for a couple months now and I never really thought to change it because me being me, thought everything would stay the same. lol) 

Of course, I was very wrong and it ended up dying to the point where it wouldn't even work when it was plugged into the charger. So, with that being said, I obviously needed to get my battery changed (which you should do every couple years or else you'll end up like me lol - I got my mac in 2016 so it works perfectly fine and I don't need an upgrade, okay) and was unable to post anything.

I tried blogging on my iPad, but it was really difficult and frustrating so I decided against it. You guys will also realize a lot of old blog posts that needed to be posted will be up in the next couple of week - including my April Owl Crate Box review.. lol

So yeah, that was the small little reason as to why I haven't been blogging much.

As for my branding, I don't know if you guys have noticed my new banner, my new website name and everything else in between. For those who are completely new and have no idea what I'm talking about, my brand name used to be jessreadsalatte, which you'll still find in some of my business mediums like my booking email and what not. (because it's such a hassle to change my email for publishing groups and what not.)

I was getting a little tired of seeing a lot of "jessreads_____" or "_____readsalatte" in the book community and it made me feel like I didn't stand out as much - there's also a lot of Jessica's in the community so I've found. And if either of your handles are those above, that's good for you! But it wasn't really up my alley.

I decided to change my whole branding so I'd be able to stand out as my own brand rather than "one of the Jess'"

It took me quite a while to pick a new brand name but will a lot of help from my friends Johely from astoldbyjohely and Victoria from readwiththedevil, I decided to pick terrifyinglyfictional which captures two of my moods: being in love with horror and books AND captivating my sense of sadness after finishing a great book, only to realize it was all fictional.

I really love this new brand and I hope you guys do too!

(Also, really sorry this blog post was rushed. I really just wanted to update you guys before I started writing the blog posts I really wanted to post lol love you guys though and see you in my next post!)

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