I Cried Unexpectedly - Eliza and Her Monsters Review (Spoilers)


Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia

Eliza and Her Monsters follows Eliza, a normal girl to everyone except her family and two online best friends. To everyone else, she is LadyConstellation. The creator of the best webcomic Monster Sea which is read by millions of people. The public has no idea Eliza is LadyConstellation. But when a new boy moves to Eliza's school, Eliza finds out he's one of the biggest fanfic writers for her webcomic. Should she tell him who she is?

*Trigger Warning for suicide*

There's so much about this book that I loved so much.

I wasn't expecting this book to hit me as hard as it did. I was really expecting this book to be a love story between a comic creator and a fanfic writer, and I was hoping it would be so cute and fluffy, but I was so wrong.

This book has so much more to that than just the generalized plot. It talks about mental illness: anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, dealing with loss, dealing with bullying, growth and so much more.

I wasn't expecting any of it. I've never found a book that hit me as hard or I related to as much as Every Last Word by Tamara Ireland Stone, but this is definitely right beside it.

Eliza's character, I related to so much and saw myself in high school when I read through her character. I cried so hard during the events occurring her worst of the depression. How she only wanted to sleep and had no interest in dong what she loved. I understood how she felt when she was annoyed at everything and everyone.

I don't talk much about my mental health, but I surely related to every element of Eliza's depression and anxiety as I did growing up in high school that I sobbed for hours because I knew how she felt and I wanted to hug her and tell her she's going to be okay.

I also loved her friend group. Although we've only seen Eliza interact with her friends Max and Emmy online, I really did love the two of them. I had a lot of online friends through twitter (I had a One Direction fan account, among other things when I was growing up, okay) and I saw a lot of those friendships through Max and Emmy and I loved that element. Heck, I still have a lot of online friends with you guys!

I also really loved Wallace's character. Hearing his backstory with his dad's suicide and then Eliza wanting to take her life at the same place, but Wallace finds her, really broke my heart. That was the second time I ended up crying while reading this book. It was just so heartbreaking for me because of Wallace thinking it was his fault, but Eliza also thinking the same.

One of the things I absolutely love how this book executed was the description of environment. If you read my review of Supermarket by Bobby Hall, I mention how I wasn't a huge fan of how he describe the environment because I felt like it was too specific. This book, however, I think did it perfectly. It flowed nicely, the way everything was placed and we were told things that were important. I also loved how the descriptions weren't all in the same paragraph, but in several throughout the novel.

Another extra that I loved was how one of Eliza's characters in her webcomic, Kite is Filipina based. I loved that! For those who don't know, I am also a Filipina, both of my parents are from the Philippines, and I never seen Filipino characters so I was so happy to see that incorporated.

And finally, I loved how this book included "text" or forum messages, little comics from Monster Sea, and all the other mediums as if we were looking through Eliza's computer. Everything Everything also included something similar to this and I loved that element so I was excited to see Eliza and Her Monsters include that as well. I also thought it was quite fitting for the plot as well.

Overall, I loved Eliza and Her Monsters and I cannot wait to re-read this book again.

What is your favourite book you related to? Let me know on my Instagram or in the comments! 

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