I'm Ready For My Heart to Break - Clockwork Prince Review (Spoilers)


Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare

Clockwork Prince is the second book in Cassandra Clare's second Shadowhunter series: The Infernal Devices. If follows the events that take place from the previous book.

I do discuss some spoilers that had occurred in this book. That's a massive warning. If you'd like to read my review on the previous book in this series, it will be linked here.

I don't even know where to start with my review.

I absolutely love this world more and more as we dive into it. I say this in every review, but I'm really happy you guys pushed me to continue this series after debating whether or not I should when I read City of Bones.

I heard emmmabooks on Youtube (she is also Shadowhunters obsessed) talk about how, with every book Cassandra Clare writes, it gets better and I definitely agree with that statement. You can tell that her writing progresses throughout each book and it really shows.

With that being said, this book was indeed enjoyable, but not in the same way as Clockwork Angel, if that makes sense.

There isn't much occurring in this book other than world building and backstory; unlike the previous book where everything was happening at once. I didn't really enjoy the lack of events that this book had, but I'll admit that the world and character building really made up for it.

I love Will as a character; he's so complex because of his backstory and I love that we really get to see that from him. We get to see him really vulnerable and leaving the institute because of a curse he thought he had for so many years but in reality, never really had. We find out about his family, and how heartbreaking it is when he finds out his best friend is engaged to the love of his life. He's a little cinnamon roll to me, he's definitely added to the book boyfriend list, I genuinely just love his character and I'm really happy we got more backstory from him.

I also really love how we got to see more of Sophie. I really like her character. I love how, even though she is a servant in the institute, she's never treated as one. It's really enjoyable seeing her being incorporated more in the plot and I'm hoping she's a prominent character in the next book, as well as the rest of the other books. (I'm also hoping something blooms between her and Gideon. We ship.)

We're still a little iffy on Tessa's back story, but I'm definitely okay with that because I know it'll all flood at once in the next book and probably slap me in the face.

The only probablem I really have with Tessa, is that she's okay about being engaged to Jem, even though she still has feelings for Will. Like I understand why she did it, but I still don't think its right. I really do love Jem and Tessa together though, but I'm not excited for the heartbreak Jem is going to have to go through when he finds out how Tessa really feels.

I also thought the whole relationship with Tessa and Jem was a little rushed. I mean, don't get me wrong, I do ship. But there wasn't really much of a flirtatious vibe, other than that one time Tessa was in Jem's room. I feel like a relationship between Will and Tessa would be more reasonable because of their connection throughout these last two books, so we'll see how this love triangle unfolds.

Something that I don't think I remember mentioning in my last review is that I love that Tessa and Will love for literature (more reason to love Will, just saying) because they constantly make classic book references. I'm currently obsessed with Classic Novels so I always get a little giddy when I see them talking about certain books.

I also thought it was so cute how Jem wanted to write a poem for Tessa because of that same topic. Like he's really trying for her.

As always, this book made me feel a lot of things. I laughed at a lot of parts which is quite usual for any book, especially the Shadowhunter books, but I feel like I felt more with this book than the last.

I was truly devastated reading the scene where Will confessed his love for Tessa to her, and she tells him that she's engaged with Jem. Heck, even though I hate Nate, I felt so sad when Tessa watched him die. I feel like, because there is a lot of character development in this book, you feel a lot more than the other ones.

I really did enjoy this book. I'm so obsessed with this world now and I can't stop reading the books.

With that being said, look out for all my Shadowhunter reviews in the next little while. Because I feel like that will almost be all I'm reading in the next coming weeks.

Who is your favourite Shadowhunter? Let me know in the comments section or on my Instagram!

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