It's May Already?! - April Wrap Up


Happy Thursday, loves!

Can you guys believe it's already May?! I thought 2018 flew by, but 2019 seems to be going by even faster!

I read a lot in the month of April; a total of 10 books and I'm holding up strong with my reading challenge which really excites me. I believe I'm currently 12 books ahead of schedule which is wow because I'm super happy with all the reading I've been doing this year!

You guys know the drill with my wrap ups, so I thought I'd stick with pretty short intros now. With that being said, let's get into the books I read in April of 2019!!

Supermarket by Bobby Hall

For those who don't know, Bobby Hall is actually the rapper Logic whom my boyfriend is a huge fan of. He's made me watch Logic's interviews a lot throughout the last 3 years of our relationship so when I found out he's writing a book, I knew it was going to be great. That was until I read it. I won't go too in depth with my thoughts, but I do have a review up, so if you want to read my review the link is here.

Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi 

This is a book I was so excited to get into! I love Tahereh Mafi's writing. When I read new newest book A Very Large Expanse of Sea, I knew I was destined to read Shatter Me as well. I loved it! It's one of my favourite series I've read so far and although the Shadowhunter world has my undivided attention right now, I'll get back to it very soon! (I'll start linking reviews in parenthesis because I have blog reviews up for most of the books I've read in April. Review is here.)

Nightmares and Dreamscapes by Stephen King

I'm so sad my Stephen King short story collection has almost come to an end, but this was definitely one of my favourites as well. I know I say that for every short story collection King comes out with, but it's seriously so good! Sorry, Right Number was probably my favourite and if you ever get the chance to listen to the audiobook of this story, I highly recommend you do!

Miles Morales by Jason Reynolds

I've own this book for almost a year and I just got to it in the month of April. Miles being one of my favourite Marvel characters, I couldn't pass this up, especially because I was still on my Into the Spider-Verse high. I loved this book and I do want to read more Marvel based novels. (Review is here.) 

Coraline by Neil Gaiman

I was really in the mood for a Coraline re-read because I didn't really like the book the first time around. I just thought the writing wasn't my type but once I re-read it, I was hooked. I definitely loved reading this book this time around though and because it's so short, I finished it in a couple of hours!

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Caroll

My Classic pick of the month was Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass which I have a Clothbound Classic Edition of (of course!) and I was so excited to dive into this because I've only heard of great things. Needless to say, it owns up to the hype because it's such a good book!

The Green Mile by Stephen King

At this point of the month, I was in a reading slump but I knew I had a lot of other books I really wanted to read. The author that always pulls me out of it is always Stephen King so I decided to pick up The Green Mile (which was amazing and made me so sad.) It's been a while since I've read more than one SK book in a month but I'm happy I loved them both.

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

I love Tom Holland and when I found out he was playing Todd in the Chaos Walking adaptation, I picked up the book and binged it. It's such a good book; I had no idea which was the first book in the series (hell, I thought Chaos Walking was one book) so when I stumbled across this at Chapters when I was browsing, I picked it up right away! (Review is here.)

The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

I was really in the mood to read a book that would make me cry so I obviously had to pick up The Perks of Being A Wallflower again. I loved it, I always do. It's one of my favourite books so I always re-read this whenever I get the chance!

Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare

So I think it's quite evident that I'm Shadowhunter trash. I mean City of Ashes definitely pulled me down the obsession hole, but once I read Clockwork Angel, it's been all Shadowhunters for me. I love this world so much and the characters. And every time I dive more into this world, the more obsessed I become. I have no regrets in joining the fandom a little later than most though. This whole world has my heart - I mean, I have an Angelic Rune necklace I wear every day now and I did just make a Will Herondale Funko Pop! (blog post on that will be up soon) (Review is here.)

Those are all the books I read in the month of April! I'm really happy with all of the content I read, although I'm bummed I didn't get a graphic novel in there. (Hopefully this month!) And I'm also loving all of the book I've read so far in May as well!

How many books did you guys read in the month of April? Let me know in the comments section or on my Instagram!

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