Should I Bring More? - Books I'm Bringing on Vacation


Vacations are something I don't take often -- mainly because it's usually impossible for me to get a break from work, but I am very fortunate to be going on a very lengthy, one week trip.

I've seen a lot of people talk about the books they are bringing on vacation this summer and so many people have asked me to do the same so I thought why not!

Today, I'm going to share the books I am bringing and will hopefully finish on my vacation to Hawaii. 

(This may seem like a lot of books -- or very lengthy books, but I tend to read a lot of books if I have the time.)

((I also realized they are all by the same author and after how I've been reading lately and the lack of content by him, I've been consuming; I am not complaining.))

Finders Keepers by Stephen King

I'm bringing Finders Keepers because I absolutely loved Mr. Mercedes which I just finished so I know I am going to love and devour this next book Finders Keepers. 

I need to finish the Bill Hodges trilogy before I read King's newest book The Outsider and I am seriously slacking. I thought since I would have a lot of reading time during my travels, I'll be able to read and hopefully finish this book in one day.

Another reason why I'm bringing this is because, if you know me well, you'd know Stephen King's writing soothes my anxiety. Weird to say because he is known for his horror, and mystery/thriller so that should assumingely cause panic but King's writing actually soothes it.

Traveling causes me great anxiety, especially when it's very far from home and long travels.

I'm definitely using all the King books I'm bringing as a way to keep my anxiety levels down.

Murder On The Orient Express by Agatha Christie

I have been incredibly eager to dive into Agatha Christie's writing and so many of my readers and followers have recommended a couple of her books to me.

I decided to start with Murder On The Orient Express because it's the most well-known novel of hers that I was recommended.

Since I'll be traveling for a while, I thought I'd dive into this book as well to keep myself occupied.

Duma Key by Stephen King

This book has been recommended to me by so many people -- seriously, every Constant Reader I follow says, "Have you read Duma Key yet?! You need to read it!" 

And I am going to read it this summer. 

I don't know much about this book other than the fact that it is based on the Florida Keys, but I'm hoping it'll provide some beachy terror during my trip!

I'm really excited to sit on a beach with my toes in the sand and read this novel with the mindset of similar setting.

Alongside Finders Keepers, I'm also using Duma Key as a way to calm myself with King's writing whilst on vacation. I feel like this book is suiting for multiple reasons and am very excited to dive into this.

This may seem like a lot of books for a week of vacation and more or less I won't have time to read them while I'm actually there but most of them serve as beach reads and plane reads since my flights will be super long!

I am really curious as to what your beach go-to reads are, so let me know in the comments section on here or on my Instagram!

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