How Many Books Until My Reading Goal?! - Mid-Year Freak Out Book Tag


I've been seeing this tag all over BookTube and on Book Blogs and me being me; everyone knows I did one book tag recently and now I'm trying to do as many as I can.

I know this tag has been around for a while so I cannot give the original creator credit, but keep in mind, I did not make up this tag.

I did find out about this tag from gabbyreads on YouTube, she was the first one I saw who did this tag. But it's incredibly infamous so I bet you have seen this flying around the book community as well!

Because it is mid-year, I thought it would be fun to incorporate how I'm doing with my Goodreads Reading Challenge at the end of the tag.

There are 15 questions in this tag and they are:

1. Best book you've read so far in 2018.
2. Best sequel you've read so far in 2018.
3. New release you haven't read yet, but want to.
4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year.
5. Biggest disappointment.
6. Biggest surprise.
7. Favourite new author. (Debut or new to you)
8. Newest fictional crush.
9. Newest favourite character.
10. Book that made you cry.
11. Book that made you happy.
12. Favourite book to film adaptation that you've seen this year.
13. Favourite review you've written.
14. Most beautiful book you've bought so far this year (or received)
15. What books do you need to read by the end of the year? 

1. Best book you've read so far in 2018.

I've had a pretty good reading year so far, so it's a little hard to pick one book as the best. Mine might have to be either On Writing or Pet Sematary, both by Stephen King because they were both so freaking amazing.

2. Best sequel you've read so far in 2018.

I think Legendary by Stephanie Garber is the best sequel I've read so far just because of how easy it was to fall in love with the characters. I also think it's the only sequel I read so far that wasn't a re-read.

3. New release you haven't read yet, but want to.

This should probably be an obvious one. The Outsider by Stephen King is one of my most anticipated reads this year but a lot of people say I shouldn't read it until I read the Bill Hodges Trilogy (Mr. Mercedes, Finders Keepers and End of Watch) because of a major spoiler and I have yet to finish the trilogy, therefore I am behind. I will read The Outsider soon though!

4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year.

Definitely Elevation by Stephen King but that would be pretty obvious to mention a King book. I would have to say Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J Maas, but I am also not excited for it because I love the Throne of Glass series so much and I don't want it to come to an end.

5. Biggest disappointment.

I think Zenith by Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings was probably my biggest disappointment this year because I love these two ladies from the book community but the book just wasn't for me. Unfortunately.

6. Biggest surprise.

For this one, I'm going to go with Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King. It was one of King's works that I just didn't like. But I did re-read it and absolutely loved it. Although, I'm not surprised because most series I love, I hate at first. Like Throne of Glass and the Raven Cycle.

7. Favourite new author. (Debut or new to you)

Definitely Pierce Brown. I've seen Red Rising covers everywhere throughout my couple years in the book community but never bothered to pick it up and I regret not picking up the books sooner. Pierce Brown's writing is phenomenal. Plus, he is admiringly attractive.

8. Newest fictional crush.

I'd probably have to say Dorian Havilliard from the Throne of Glass series. I used to always be about Rhysand but he's kicked off the top of the pyramid and I'm putting Dorian on top!

9. Newest favourite character.

Trisha from The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King because of how genuine and intelligent she is.

10. Book that made you cry.

Red Rising by Pierce Brown. That book made me sob.

11. Book that made you happy.

All books make me very happy but I think the book that made me the happiest was Campfire by Shawn Sarles because I love 80s and 90s slasher movies and have always wished for books based on Scream or Jason Voorhees and now we have one.

12. Favourite book to film adaptation that you've seen this year.

Hands down, Love, Simon was my all time favourite book to movie adaptation. I absolutely loved every second of it.

13. Favourite review you've written.

I've obviously written a couple this year already, but my favourite would have to be: NOS4A2 by Joe Hill. Not sure why though. I just love it.

14. Most beautiful book you've bought so far this year (or received)

I've bought way too many books this year and that is a fact. So trying to pick one is very hard. I'm going to go with Duma Key by Stephen King just because I love the cover so much. The beach-vibes with the holographic letters is perfection.

15. What books do you need to read by the end of the year? 

There is so many books I want to read by the end of this year, but for sure, I want to finish the Bill Hodges Trilogy; all I have to read is Finders Keepers and End of Watch, so I can dive into The Outsider, all by Stephen King!

As I promised, I'm going to add how many books I've read so far and how many books I have left until December. 

My overall reading goal for 2018 is the same as every year; 75 books in 12 months. 

As of the time I'm posting this blog post, I have read 53 books. That means I need to read 22 books in the next five months. And honestly, I am incredibly confident that I'll exceed my goal just like last year!

Whats your 2018 reading goal? Let me know in the comments or on my Instagram!

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